Data Protection Summary Report

This report generates a summary of the data protection operations each day; its focus is to quickly show you when the last data protection operation occurred for each client. The pie chart shows whether your clients have schedules or not, and the tables provide further details about the last and next data protection operations.

Note that you can exclude those subclients created in command line  for DB2, Informix, Oracle, Oracle RAC and SAP agents, if necessary. This report is useful in determining the following and is divided into two sections for each agent:

Subclients or DataClassSet Information

Subclient or DataClassSet/Storage Policy Copy Relationship

Note that for some applications, the categorizing of data protection types into full and other non-full data protection operations is as follows:

Schedule Policy Information


The graphs and charts for Quick Recovery Agent differ slightly from those of other agents. These differences are due to the first Incremental volume update not being considered as full in the back up model and data protection only through Incremental volume updates. Hence, the Last Full DP size displays as 0 and Last Full DP displays as None.

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