Media Management Performance Report

This report provides information on whether the MediaAgents, libraries and drives in a CommCell are fully utilized and can be used to identify under-performing resources and to troubleshoot problems. This report uses the Activity Qualifier Window, which is based on the settings in the Cell Configuration (Data Protection Window).

Some of the uses of this report are described below:

Load Balancing

In some environments and configurations, some MediaAgents may be used more often than others. You can use this report to see which MediaAgents are used more often than the others. Choose the following options to produce this report:

You may notice that some libraries are used more often than others. In such a situation, you can use this report to see which library is used more often than others. Choose the following options to produce this report:

You may notice that some drives are used more often than others. In such a situation, you can use this report to see which drive is used more often than others. Choose the following options to produce this report:

SAN Environment

Magnetic Libraries

You can compare the activity across magnetic libraries in the CommCell(s) by choosing the following options:

Physical Drive Performance and Under Performing Drives

You can compare the performance of the various drives in the CommCell(s) by choosing the following options:

Note that only write operations are taken into account while calculating under performing drives.

Drives which perform below 70% of the recommended manufacturer throughput are displayed as under-performing drives. You can view the recommended manufacturer throughput from the Drive Report. Keep in mind that Deconfigured drives will not be listed in the Drive Selection area, and will not be used to calculate the various performance criteria.


Criteria Selection

The following table lists the supported performance criteria and the jobs used to calculate these criteria:

Criteria Jobs used to calculate the criteria
Read-Write Throughput

Data Protection Operations (including Disaster Recovery Backup and Synthetic Full)

Data Recovery

Auxiliary Copy

Data Size read-write

Data Protection Operations (including Disaster Recovery Backup and Synthetic Full)

Data Recovery

Auxiliary Copy

Keep in mind that Read operations (Data Recovery and Auxiliary Copy) performed using NDMP drive pools (libraries and drives that are directly attached to a NAS filer) will not be used to calculate either of the above mentioned criteria.

Number of Jobs Data Protection Operations (including Disaster Recovery Backup and Synthetic Full)
Usage Time Data Protection Operations (including Disaster Recovery Backup and Synthetic Full)

The Media Management Performance Report chart will display the specified resources (MediaAgents, Libraries, Tape Drives, or Mount Paths) per criteria selected plotted in a bar or line graph. Using this chart can help you to easily compare performance issues across the MediaAgents, Libraries, Tape Drives, or Mount Paths in your environment. You can select the number of resources to be plotted in the chart from the Draw graph using option. If you specify a maximum number (n) to be plotted without specifying the resource, those included in the chart will be the first n available (usually selected alphabetically). The chart, by default, plots the first 10 resources available. Note that the number (n) of resources you specify to be plotted in the graph is the maximum; therefore, if there are fewer resources available than the number specified, only those available will be displayed in the chart.


If a CommCell is no longer registered with the CommNet Server, the throughput and data size transferred information is automatically aged (pruned) after a seven-day period. Once this data is aged, it will not be contained in the Media Management reports.