CommCell Growth Report

This report illustrates the weekly, monthly and/or yearly growth patterns of CommCells' data protection jobs, iDataAgents, subclients, drives and libraries. When it is generated, each CommCell’s growth information is displayed in both chart and tabular forms according to the time range and report type values you select as the filters. You can use this report to help track and analyze the growth and deployment timeline of data protection jobs, iDataAgents, subclients, drives and libraries in your CommCells. Note that the growth of data protection jobs, iDataAgents, subclients, drives and libraries can only be viewed separately, not together on one report. For additional information, you can double-click on non-zero values in the charts or tables in this report to launch the detail report for the filter selected, e.g., the CommCell Growth Drive Detail Report will launch based on the drives filter and the CommCell Growth Library Detail Report will launch based on the libraries filter.

When running a CommCell Growth Report for data protection jobs, only completed jobs, whether they failed or were successful, are counted in the report. Pending, running or suspended data protection jobs are not counted. Additionally, when running a report for iDataAgents, if there are no subclients associated with an iDataAgent, the report will not recognize it, and therefore, not count it. If there are subclients associated with the iDataAgent, the report will count it. Furthermore, if running this report to see the growth patterns of a CommCell's subclients, you can exclude those subclients created in command line from the report calculations.

Growth Chart

The Growth Chart displays the growth of your CommCells, depending upon what you selected as the report filters. The chart format allows you to easily track the growth of your CommCells’ data protection jobs, iDataAgents, subclients, drives and libraries and identify the exact date of any growth occurrences. Double-click on non-zero values in this chart to launch the detail reports.

Growth Detail Chart

This Growth Detail Chart is only displayed for the CommCell iDataAgent Growth Report. It displays the growth of the iDataAgents per application type within the selected time range. You can hover over each bar for the exact number of iDataAgents per application type.

Growth Detail Table

This Growth Detail Table is only displayed for the CommCell iDataAgent Growth Report. It contains the application types, client names and the installation dates of the iDataAgents within the selected time range.

Growth Table

The Growth Table displays the growth of your CommCells, depending upon what you selected as the report filters. The tabular format allows you to easily track the growth of your CommCells’ data protection jobs, iDataAgents, subclients, drives and libraries and identify the exact date of any growth occurrences.

NOTE: Library and drive information is only applicable to the current release.