Health Check Report

This report illustrates the general condition of the CommCells in your CommNet, in that it displays whether the clients in the CommCells are up-to-date with the latest updates and service packs according to their baseline. The updates found in the CommCell's CommServe Cache directory are considered the baseline for the updates that should be distributed throughout the CommCell environment. Users can generate this report to determine which clients need to be updated, as well as with which update. It is necessary to maintain update consistency in your environment to prevent potential software conflicts.     


Client Overview

This section displays a pie chart of the overall status of the clients in the CommCell. The The possible status values are as follows:


Package Overview

This section displays a pie chart of the overall status of the packages (or agents) in the CommCell. The possible status values are consistent with those displayed in the Client Overview pie chart.


Update Status Info Table

This displays the details of the clients update status in the CommCells. From here, users can identify which clients/packages need to be updated to prevent any potential software conflicts. The information displayed includes:


The name of the client.


The name of the package.


The current software version of the client.

Update Status

Current update status of the client/package. Possible values are: Up to Date, N/A, Needs update, Has Diagnostic Update, Ahead of Cache, Unknown Baseline. Refer to Client Overview section for a description of these values.


Installed Service Pack

The Service Pack number, if installed.

Additional Updates

The name(s) of the update(s) installed on the client which additional to the service pack.

Missing updates

The name(s) of the update(s) that are missing from the client/package.

Available Service pack

The Service pack available which can the installed on the client/package.

Baseline Updates

Baseline updates present in the cache.