User Administration and Security - How To

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User Groups

Create a User Group

Delete a User Group

Modify the Properties of a User Group

Change the Capabilities and Association of a User Group

Change the Members of a User Group


Create a User

Delete a User

Change the Password of a User

Change the User Group Association of a User

Modify the Properties of a User

Single Sign On

Add a New Domain Controller

View/Edit Properties of an External Domain

Delete a Domain

Add New External User Group

Enable/Disable Single Sign On

Disable Single Sign On from a Specific Browser

Create a User Group

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To create a user group:

  1. From the CommNet tree, expand Security, right-click the User Groups node, and click New User Group.
  2. In the Enter General Information dialog box, enter the name of the user group and a description, then click Next.
  3. In the Members dialog box, select the users that should be associated with this group, then click Next.
  4. In the Set Capabilities dialog box, assign the capabilities to the user group.
  5. Click Finish.

Delete a User Group

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To delete a user group:

  1. From the CommNet tree, expand Security, then expand User Groups.
  2. Right-click the user group to be deleted, and choose Remove User Group.
  3. Click Yes to the confirmation message. The user group is now deleted.

Modify the Properties of a User Group

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To modify the properties of a user group:

  1. From the CommNet tree, expand Security, then expand User Groups, and select the user group to be modified.
  2. On the general pane of the User Group Summary window, click Modify.
  3. In the User Group Properties dialog box, change the appropriate fields, as necessary.
  4. Click OK.

Change the Capabilities and Associations of a User Group

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To change the capabilities and associations of a user group:

  1. From the CommNet tree, expand Security and User Groups, then select the appropriate user group.
  2. On the capabilities pane of the User Group Summary window, click Modify.
  3. From the User Group Capabilities dialog box, select either CommNet Administration, CommCell Administration, or QSMCell Administration.

    If CommCell Administration is chosen from the CommCells tab, select or de-select the CommCells, as necessary.

    If QSMCell Administration is chosen from the QSMCells tab, select or de-select the QSMCells, as necessary.

  4. Click OK.

Change the Members of a User Group

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To change the members of a user group:

  1. From the CommNet tree, expand Security and User Groups, then select the appropriate user group.
  2. On the members pane of the User Group Summary window, click Modify.
  3. In the User Group Members dialog box, select or deselect users to/from the user group, as necessary.
  4. Click OK.

Create a User

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To create a user:

  1. From the CommNet tree, expand Security, right-click Users, and select New User.
  2. In the Enter General Information dialog box, enter the appropriate fields as necessary, then click Next.
  3. In the User Group Association dialog box, select the user group(s) that the user should belong to.
  4. Click Finish.

Delete a User

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To delete a user:

  1. From the CommNet tree, expand Security, then expand Users.
  2. Right-click the user to be deleted, then select Remove User.
  3. Click Yes to the confirmation message. The user is now deleted.

Change the Password of a User

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To change the password of a user:

  1. From the CommNet tree, expand Security, then expand Users.
  2. Right-click the appropriate user, then select Change Password.
  3. Enter the old password in the Logged in User Password field.
  4. Enter and confirm the new password in the New Password for and Confirm New Password fields.
  5. Click OK.

Change the User Group Association of a User

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To change the user group association of a user:

  1. From the CommNet tree, expand Security, then expand Users, and select the appropriate user.
  2. On the user group association pane of the User Summary window, click Modify.
  3. From the User Group Association dialog box, add or remove user groups to/from this user, as necessary.
  4. Click OK.

Modify the Properties of a User

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To modify the properties of a user:

  1. From the CommNet tree, expand Security, then expand Users, and select the user to be modified.
  2. On the General section of the User Summary window, click Modify.
  3. In the User Properties dialog box, change the appropriate fields, as necessary.
  4. Click OK.

Add a New Domain Controller

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To add a new domain controller:

  1. From the CommNet Browser, expand Security, and right-click on Name Servers. From the popup menu, select New Domain.
  2. Enter the appropriate information in the Add New Domain Controller dialog box. You will need to enter the following information:

    Upon entering this information, you will need determine whether the domain controller should be enabled for the SSO feature (Single Sign On) and/or disabled for use.

  3. Enable the secure Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Communication for additional network security with the external domain. Remember that this can only be enabled when the external domain has been configured to use the secure LDAP. If this protocol is enabled from this dialog box, but not configured from the external domain; the feature is not enabled.
  4. Click OK.

View/Edit Summary of an External Domain

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To view the summary of an external domain:

  1. From the CommNet Browser, expand Security, and right-click on Name Servers.
  2. Right click on the domain for which you wish to view the summary, and select Summary from the popup menu.

  3. Click Modify to launch the Edit Domain Controller dialog box where you can edit the properties of the external domain.

Delete an External Domain

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To view the properties of an external domain:

  1. From the CommNet Browser, expand Security, and right-click on Name Servers.
  2. Right click on the domain for which you wish to view the properties, and select Remove Name Server from the popup menu.

Add a New External User Group

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To add a new external user group:

  1. From the CommNet Browser, expand Security, then expand all the nodes.
  2. Click on the external domain for which you want to add an external user group, and right click on the External Group icon.
  3. From the Add New External Group dialog box, select the external user group for which you want to associate the CommNet User groups.
  4. Select the CommNet user groups to associate with the specified external user group.
  5. Click OK.

Enable/Disable Single Sign On

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To enable/disable Single Sign On:

  1. From the CommNet Tree, click the Security icon, and right-click on the Name Servers icon.
  2. Right click on the domain for which you wish to enable/disable the feature, and select Properties from the popup menu.

  3. Enable or disable the Enable SSO option.

Disable Single Sign On from a Specific Browser

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To disable Single Sign On from a specific browser: 

  1. Right-click on the application icon, and select Properties.
  2. From the Browser Properties dialog box, select the Shortcut tab.
  3. In the Target field, add the following command -sso=disabled, and click OK. When launching the application from this application icon, the Single Sign On feature will be disabled, and users can enter alternate login information.
This method disables the Single Sign On feature for this application shortcut. To re-enable the feature, simply remove the -sso=disabled command.

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