About Books Online

Welcome to Books Online

Books Online provides easy accessibility to the most current version of the documentation. This documentation is intended for software version 8.0.0.

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Checking the Documentation Version

Check the Documentation Web Site to verify whether you have the most recent version of the documentation. Documentation version information can be obtained by clicking Revision History link in the Home page.

Accessing Books Online

The latest revision of Books Online can be accessed by visiting the documentation web site at https://support.bull.com/ols/product/storage/backup/calypso.

Books Online can also be accessed by clicking the button in the CommNet Browser. By default, Books Online will be launched from the documentation web site when the button is clicked.

The CommNet Browser can also be configured to launch a copy of Books Online from a shared resource, such as a network share or internal intranet site. This may be useful when you do not have open connections to the internet.

Perform the following steps to setup Books Online from a shared resource:

  1. Using a computer that has access to the internet, download Books Online from the documentation web site at https://support.bull.com/ols/product/storage/backup/calypso.
  2. Copy the downloaded package to the shared resource and extract Books Online as described in Download Books Online.
  3. Register Books Online as a web site in the shared resource's Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. See the Windows help for more information.
  4. Configure the CommNet Browser to access Books Online from the shared resource.

Repeat this procedure at regular intervals to obtain the latest revision of Books Online with updated content from the documentation web site.

Note that a supported web browser must be installed on the computer to view Books Online. See System Requirements - Books Online for more information.

Using Books Online to Find the Help You Need

If you....

Try This...

Are a new user of the software Read the System Requirements for planning the installation of the software components.

Use Software Deployment to obtain step-by-step instructions on installing the software components.

Understand the features supported by software by viewing the Features page. Click the links provided in this page to know more about the feature.

Are upgrading from a previous version Use Software Upgrade to obtain step-by-step instructions on upgrading the software components.

See New Features for information on new features supported in this release.

Are looking for the new features in this release See New Features for information on new features supported in this release.
Want step-by-step instructions Check the How To links associated with each feature.
Need information on a specific dialog box option Click the Help button in the dialog box, to open a context-sensitive help topic focused on the dialog box.
Are looking for detailed information about a feature Search the HTML pages in Books Online using the Search utility.

Locate the feature in the Index page. The link to the topic from the Index provides all the information (or provide links to all the information) available in Books Online about the topic.

Want to print a page To print a page, use your browser's Print command.
Want to print linked pages Look for the Printer-friendly version link in the page. This link provides a PDF version of all the linked pages.

A comprehensive list of all printer-friendly documents available in Books Online is listed in the  Printer-Friendly Documentation page.

Most Web browsers also have an option for printing all linked pages from the browser's Print command.

Documentation Conventions

The text in this software installation disc observes the following conventions.

Courier New



Identifies computer output, window options, user keys, file/directory names and paths.
Courier New Bold Identifies characters that should be typed shown.
Courier New Italics Identifies variable information.
Required Capability: Identifies the capability that a user must have in order to perform a specific procedure.
NOTES Provides additional hints, shortcuts, or background information that the user should know before proceeding and is generally provided in Deployment and How To procedures.
Identifies a note, text containing special information, exceptions or unique conditions that affect the normal functioning of the product.

Identifies a caution message, containing information about events or situations that could result in damage to system software or data.

Viewing the CommNet Browser Help

CommNet Browser Help refers to the information displayed when a Help button is clicked in any of the dialog boxes in the CommNet Browser. In some cases, this Help contains descriptions for options that are displayed in the dialog box. This is because some options are specific to a component or feature, and the Help describes all the options that can be displayed in the dialog box. Where appropriate, refer to the Support Information for comprehensive information on supported options.