Install ContinuousDataReplicator - UNIX - Clustered Environment

Table of Contents

Install Requirements

Before You Begin

Install Procedure

Getting Started

Select Components for Installation

Base Software Installation

CDR Configuration

Setup Complete

Post-Install Considerations

Install Requirements

The following procedure describes the steps involved in installing ContinuousDataReplicator in a cluster environment on a source computer. The ContinuousDataReplicator software can be installed from the active node in the cluster group using the following procedure. Note that for a passive node in a cluster environment, you need to install the software separately.

Before you can install ContinuousDataReplicator in the cluster group in a clustered environment, you must install the ContinuousDataReplicator software on physical nodes of the cluster. For step-by-step instructions, see Install ContinuousDataReplicator.

Verify that the computers in which you are installing the software satisfy the minimum requirements specified in System Requirements - ContinuousDataReplicator.

Review the following Install Requirements before installing the software:


CDR Driver for Linux


Cluster Specific

Before You Begin

Install Procedure

Getting Started

1. Place the software installation disc for the Unix platform into the disc drive.

You can also install the product using a disc drive mounted on another computer on the network.

  • On Solaris, double-click the cvpkgadd program from the File Manager window.
  • On other Unix platforms, open the Terminal window, navigate to the software installation disc and then enter ./cvpkgadd
2. The product banner and other information is displayed.

Press Enter to continue.

3. Read the license agreement. Type y and press Enter to continue.  
4. Enter the number corresponding to the setup task you want to perform.


  • For Install data protection agents on this computer option, follow the steps described in this procedure.
  • Advance options provide additional setup features such as record and play setup, creating a custom package and External Data Connector Agent software.

    To create a custom package and for record and play setup, follow the steps described in Custom Package - Unix.

    To install the External Data Connector Agent, follow the steps described in External Data Connector - Unix.

Please select a setup task you want to perform from the list below:

Advance options provide extra setup features such as creating custom package, recording/replaying user selections and installing External Data Connector software.

1) Install data protection agents on this computer

2) Advance options

3) Exit this menu

Your choice: [1]

5. If your computer is 32-bit, press Enter.

If your computer is 64-bit, see Install Unix Agents on 64-bit Platform for step-by-step procedure.

This machine supports both 32 bit and 64 bit binaries. By default, we will install 32 bit binary set that has full support for all the modules included in this package. Please note that 64 bit binary set currently only support limited modules.

1) All platforms (32 bit)

2) FS and MA only (64 bit)

Your choice: [1]

Cluster Selection

6. Type 2 and press Enter to install on a virtual machine. Certain Calypso packages can be associated with a virtual IP, or in other words, installed on a "virtual machine" belonging to some cluster. At any given time the virtual machine's services and IP address are active on only one of the cluster's servers. The virtual machine can "fail-over" from one server to another, which includes stopping services and deactivating IP address on the first server and activating the IP address/services on the other server.

You now have a choice of performing a regular Calypso install on the physical host or installing Calypso on a virtual machine for operation within a cluster.

Most users should select "Install on a physical machine" here.

1) Install on a physical machine

2) Install on a virtual machine

3) Exit

Your choice: [1]

7. Type the name of the virtual machine that you want to configure or its corresponding IP address and press Enter. Please enter the hostname or IP address of the virtual machine being installed. It can be either short or long; the only requirement is that it must be resolvable by the name services configured on this machine

WARNING: You should follow this path ONLY if this host participates in a cluster and you really want to install Calypso on the virtual machine. This is NOT how most people will use Calypso.

If you got into this screen by mistake, hit ^C and restart cvpkgadd.

Virtual Machine Host Name:

8. Type the name of the virtual client and press Enter. Please specify the client name for this machine.It does not have to be the network host name: you can enter any word here without spaces. The only requirement is that it must be unique on the CommServe.

Virtual Machine Client Name: [hpuxmc1]

Select Components for Installation

9. Accept or type the number for the module that you want to install.

A confirmation screen will mark your choice with an "X". Type "d" for Done, and press Enter to continue.


  • To select multiple component, enter the number by adding a space.
  • Your screen may look different from the example shown.
  • Components that either have already been installed, or which cannot be installed, will not be shown.
  • In addition, the list of modules that appear depends on the specific Unix File System in which the package is installed. (e.g., CVGxWA will appear only when the installation package is run on a Solaris computer.)
Install Calypso on physical machine

Select the Calypso module that you would like to install

[ ] 1) Media Agent        [1301] [CVGxMA]
[ ] 2) FileSystem IDA     [1101] [CVGxIDA]
    >) >>>>> NEXT PAGE  >>>>>>

[a=all n=none r=reverse q=quit d=done >=next <=previous ?=help]

Enter number(s)/one of "a,n,r,q,d,>,<,?" here: 2

Base Software Installation

10. If you wish to install the agent software for restore only, enter Yes and press Enter to continue. See Installing Restore Only Agents for more information.

Otherwise, accept no, press Enter to continue.

Do you want to use the agents for restore only without consuming licenses? [no]  
11. Specify the location of the job results directory.


  • This screen will appear if you are installing on a first node of a cluster.
  • All the agent modules installed on the computer uses the job results directory to store the backup and restore job results.
  • The amount of free space required depends on the components selected for install, and may look different from the example shown.

Press Enter to accept the default path and continue, or
Enter a path and then press Enter to continue.

Please specify the name for the JobResults directory.

Since you are installing Calypso on a virtual machine, the JobResults directory must reside on a shared disk and should have at least 20MB of free space available. The directory will be used to store intermediate data that should be passed from one backup phase to another.

JobResults Directory: /test/

12. Specify whether the computer on which you are installing CDR will be a source, a destination, or both.


Any machine participating in the CDR network, can be either the source, the destination or both.

More work has to be done when installing CDR on the source machines: we will have to configure a special file system driver and select a dedicated directory where we will keep the cache of the file system changes.

Please specify how Calypso CDR is going to be used on this machine. Whether it will be a:

1) Source Machine
2) Destination Machine
3) Both Source and Destination Machine

Your choice: [3]

CDR Configuration

13. The install program now starts copying the software to the computer. The progress of the operation is displayed. If you are installing on a Linux computer and are prompted that the version of the kernel is not supported for the driver, boot one of the identified kernels and then press Enter. .....

Successfully copied xx files


Successfully installed CVGxCDR

Setup Complete

14. If this is the last package that you wish to install, enter the number corresponding to the Exit option and then press Enter to continue. Now you have a choice of either adding another package to the existing installation or configure Calypso on a virtual machine for use in a cluster.

1) Add another package to
2) Install Calypso on a virtual machine
3) Exit

Your choice: [1]

15. After install, script should be added as part of the normal cluster startup/shutdown procedure.

The script is provided as a generic template, and it must be run at the beginning of node shutdown and at the end of new active node startup. In both cases, data protection services must be up and running.

  • During node shutdown, the script notifies the driver to stop monitoring the shared volume on this node.
  • During node startup, the script notifies the driver to start monitoring the shared volume on this node.

cvclusternotify -inst <Instance> -cn <Client Name> -start|shutdown


cvclusternotify - Program to notify Calypso of cluster failovers.

This command notifies the drivers to stop or start monitoring the file system.


For two node cluster, if the virtual client name is "virtual" and the application instance is "Instance001", run the following command:

  • To Shutdown:

    cvclusternotify -inst Instance001 -cn "virtual" -shutdown

    This will notify the driver to stop monitoring the shared file systems on the current node.

  • To Start Up:

    cvclusternotify -inst Instance001 -cn "virtual" -start

    This will notify the driver to start monitoring the shared file systems on the current node.

Post-Install Considerations


  • Install post-release updates or Service Packs that may have been released after the release of the software. When you are installing a Service Pack, ensure that it is the same version as the one installed in the CommServe Server. Alternatively, you can enable Automatic Updates for quick and easy installation of updates in the CommCell component.