Install the ProxyHost iDataAgent - Unix - Clustered Environment

Table of Contents

Install Requirements

Before You Begin

Install Procedure

Getting Started

Cluster Selection

Select Components for Installation

Base Software Installation

Kernel Parameters

Enable Global Filters

Client Group Selection

Storage Policy Selection

ProxyHost Installation

Setup Complete

Post-Install Considerations

Install Requirements

The following procedure provides step-by-step instructions for installing the ProxyHost iDataAgent on a Unix cluster. The software in a Unix cluster can be installed from the active node in the cluster group using the following procedure. Note that for a passive node in a Unix cluster, you need to install the software separately on the passive node in the cluster group.

For an overview of deploying the software components in a clustered environment, see Clustering Support.

Review the following Install Requirements before installing software on a Unix cluster:


  • Review Install Considerations before installing the software.
  • Agents should be installed only after the CommServe and at least one MediaAgent have been installed in the CommCell. Also, keep in mind that the CommServe and MediaAgent must be installed and running (but not necessarily on the same computer), before you can install the Agent.
  • Ensure there is an available license on the CommServe for the Agent.
  • Verify that you have the Software Installation Disc that is appropriate to the destination computer’s operating system.


  • Refer to Installing the Software on the Cluster for important overview information about installing MediaAgent or Agent software in a Unix clustered environment.
  • Check the following on the cluster computer in which you wish to install the software:
    • Cluster software is installed and running.
    • Active and passive nodes are available.

Agent Specific

Complete the following steps:

  1. Install the Base software and the required agents on all the nodes that are included in the cluster service. See Installation for more information.
  2. Be sure to install your software to the appropriate directories per the directives in UNIX Clusters.
  3. Verify that all of the computers to which software will be installed satisfy the minimum requirements specified in the appropriate System Requirements.
  4. Ensure that services are up and running on the remote hosts.


Before You Begin

  • Log on to the client as root.
  • The install package requires super-user permissions to execute.

Install Procedure

Getting Started

1. Place the software installation disc for the Unix platform into the disc drive.

You can also install the product using a disc drive mounted on another computer on the network.

  • On Solaris, double-click the cvpkgadd program from the File Manager window.
  • On other Unix platforms, open the Terminal window, navigate to the software installation disc and then enter ./cvpkgadd
2. Enter the number corresponding to the setup task you want to perform.


  • For Install data protection agents on this computer option, follow the steps described in this procedure.
  • Advance options provide additional setup features such as record and play setup, creating a custom package and External Data Connector Agent software.

    To create a custom package and for record and play setup, follow the steps described in Custom Package - Unix.

    To install the External Data Connector Agent, follow the steps described in External Data Connector - Unix.

Please select a setup task you want to perform from the list below:

Advance options provide extra setup features such as creating custom package, recording/replaying user selections and installing External Data Connector software.

1) Install data protection agents on this computer

2) Advance options

3) Exit this menu

Your choice: [1]

3. The product banner and other information is displayed.

Press Enter to continue.

4. Read the license agreement. Type y and press Enter to continue.  
5. If your computer is 32-bit, press Enter.

If your computer is 64-bit, see Install Unix Agents on 64-bit Platform for step-by-step procedure.

This machine supports both 32 bit and 64 bit binaries. By default, we will install 32 bit binary set that has full support for all the modules included in this package. Please note that 64 bit binary set currently only support limited modules.

1) All platforms (32 bit)

2) FS and MA only (64 bit)

Your choice: [1]

Cluster Selection

6. Type 2 and press Enter to install on a virtual machine. Certain Calypso packages can be associated with a virtual IP, or in other words, installed on a "virtual machine" belonging to some cluster. At any given time the virtual machine's services and IP address are active on only one of the cluster's servers. The virtual machine can "fail-over" from one server to another, which includes stopping services and deactivating IP address on the first server and activating the IP address/services on the other server.

You now have a choice of performing a regular Calypso install on the physical host or installing Calypso on a virtual machine for operation within a cluster.

Most users should select "Install on a physical machine" here.

1) Install on a physical machine

2) Install on a virtual machine

3) Exit

Your choice: [1]

7. Type the name of the virtual machine that you want to configure or its corresponding IP address and press Enter. Please enter the hostname or IP address of the virtual machine being installed. It can be either short or long; the only requirement is that it must be resolvable by the name services configured on this machine

WARNING: You should follow this path ONLY if this host participates in a cluster and you really want to install Calypso on the virtual machine. This is NOT how most people will use Calypso.

If you got into this screen by mistake, hit ^C and restart cvpkgadd.

Virtual Machine Host Name:

8. This prompt appears if you entered the short form of the virtual machine host name in the previous step. If you want to use the long form of the host name, accept the yes default; if not, type no. Then press Enter. It looks like name "" resolves to the same IP as "example". Generally, it's better to use longer name to address a host: less chances for name-to-IP resolution problems on CommServe or other IDA/MA.

Would you like to use fully qualified "" instead of "example"?

Use longer "" name? [yes]

9. If you have already installed the software on the virtual machine for the active node, accept the yes default to install for the passive node, press Enter, and go to the next step.

If you still must install for the active node, type no, press Enter, and perform the install for the virtual machine for the active node.


  • This prompt appears only when installing on a passive node.
When installing new Calypso packages on a virtual machine, you should start with the active node, that is the host where the virtual machine is currently running.

This node appears to be passive, so we will assume that you have already installed Calypso for on the active node.

Is this correct? [yes]
10. Type the name of the virtual client and press Enter. Please specify the client name for this machine.It does not have to be the network host name: you can enter any word here without spaces. The only requirement is that it must be unique on the CommServe.

Virtual Machine Client Name: [hpuxmc1]

11. Specify the network interface that you want to associate with the physical machine and press Enter.


  • This prompt appears only when the Unix File System iDataAgent is not installed on the physical node.
Even though it is a virtual machine that you are installing now, we still have to ask you to provide hostname and client name for the physical node.

Network interfaces with the following IPs are available on your system. Please select the one that you want to be associated with Calypso physical machine. The interface should be static, and should not get disabled in case of cluster failover.

1) mackrel71
2) mackrel
3) mackrel1

Interface number: [1] 2

12. Verify the name of the physical interface and make any required changes. Then press Enter. Please verify the physical interface name below. Make it as complete (with fully qualified domain name) as possible.

Physical Hostname: [mackrel]

13. Enter a node name for the physical machine and press Enter. Even though you are installing Calypso on a machine, we still need to ask you to provide a node name for the physical machine.

It does not have to be the network host name: you can enter any word here without spaces. The only requirement is that it must be unique on the CommServe.

Physical Machine Node Name: [mackrel]

Select Components for Installation

14. Enter the number corresponding to the CVGxProxyIDA module.

A confirmation screen will mark your choice with an "X". Type "d" for Done, and press Enter to continue.


  • To select multiple component, enter the number by adding a space.
  • Your screen may look different from the example shown.
  • Components that either have already been installed, or which cannot be installed, will not be shown.
  • In addition, the list of modules that appear depends on the specific Unix File System in which the package is installed. (e.g., CVGxWA will appear only when the installation package is run on a Solaris computer.)
Install Calypso on physical machine

Select the Calypso module that you would like to install

[ ] 1) Media Agent        [1301] [CVGxMA]
[ ] 2) FileSystem IDA     [1101] [CVGxIDA]
    >) >>>>> NEXT PAGE  >>>>>>

[a=all n=none r=reverse q=quit d=done >=next <=previous ?=help]

Enter number(s)/one of "a,n,r,q,d,>,<,?" here: 2

Base Software Installation

15. If you wish to install the agent software for restore only, enter Yes and press Enter to continue. See Installing Restore Only Agents for more information.

Otherwise, accept no, press Enter to continue.

Do you want to use the agents for restore only without consuming licenses? [no]  
16. Type the appropriate number to install the latest software scripts and press Enter to continue.


  • Select Download from the software provider website to download the latest software scripts from your software provider website.

    Make sure you have internet connectivity when you are using this option.

  • Select Use the one in the installation media, to install the software scripts from the disc or share from which the installation is performed.
  • Select Use the copy I already have by entering its unix path, to specify the path if you have the software script in an alternate location.
Installation Scripts Pack provides extra functions and latest support and fix performed during setup time. Please specify how you want to get this pack.

If you choose to download it from the website now, please make sure you have internet connectivity at this time. This process may take some time depending on the internet connectivity.

1) Download from the software provider website.

2) Use the one in the installation media

3) Use the copy I already have by entering its unix path

Your choice: [1] 2

17. Enter Yes to download and install the latest service packs and post packs from the software provider.


  • Internet connectivity is required to download updates.
  • This step is applicable for multi instancing.

Press Enter to continue.

Keep Your Install Up to Date - Latest Service Pack

Latest Service Pack provides extra functions and latest support and fix for the packages you are going to install. You can download the latest service pack from software provider website.

If you decide to download it from the website now, please make sure you have internet connectivity at this time. This process may take some time depending on the internet connectivity.

Do you want to download the latest service pack now? [no]

Press <ENTER> to continue ...

18. Specify the location where you want to install the software.


  • The amount of free space required depends on the components selected for install, and may look different from the example shown.

Press Enter to accept the default path and continue, or
Enter a path and then press Enter to continue.

Press Enter again to confirm the path.

Please specify where you want us to install Calypso binaries.

It must be a local directory and there should be at least 170MB of free space available. All files will be installed in a "calypso" subdirectory, so if you enter "/opt", the files will actually be placed into "/opt/calypso".

Installation Directory: [/opt]


Calypso will be installed in /opt/calypso.
Press ENTER to continue ...

19. Specify the location for the log files.


  • All the modules installed on the computer will store the log files in this directory.
  • The amount of free space required depends on the components selected for install, and may look different from the example shown.

Press Enter to accept the default path and continue, or
Enter a path and then press Enter to continue.

Press Enter again to confirm the path.

Please specify where you want to keep Calypso log files.

It must be a local directory and there should be at least 100MB of free space available. All log files will be created in a "calypso/Log_Files" subdirectory, so if you enter "/var/log", the logs will actually be placed into "/var/log/calypso/Log_Files".

Log Directory: [/var/log]


Calypso log files will be created in /var/log/calypso/Log_Files.
Press ENTER to continue ...

20. Indicate whether you would like to launch processes with inherent database access rights.

Press Enter to assign a new group, or
Type No and then press Enter to continue.

Most of Calypso processes run with root privileges, but some are launched by databases and inherit database access rights. To make sure that registry and log files can be written to by both kinds of processes we can either make such files world-writeable or we can grant write access only to processes belonging to a particular group, e.g. a "calypso" or a "dba" group.

We highly recommend now that you create a new user group and enter its name in the next setup screen. If you choose not to assign a dedicated group to Calypso processes, all temporary and configuration files will be created with -rw-rw-rw permissions.

If you're planning to backup Oracle DB you should use "dba" group.

Would you like to assign a specific group to Calypso? [yes]

21. If you indicated Yes in the previous step, you will be prompted for the group name that must be used to launch processes.

Enter the group name and then press Enter to continue.

Press Enter again to continue.

For installs on a Solaris computer, proceed to the next step. Otherwise, skip to Storage Policy Selection.

Please enter the name of the group which will be assigned to all Calypso files and on behalf of which all Calypso processes will run.

In most of the cases it's a good idea to create a dedicated "calypso" group. However, if you're planning to use Oracle iDataAgent or SAP Agent, you should enter Oracle's "dba" group here.

Group name: dba


If you are planning to install Calypso Informix, DB2, PostgreSQL, Sybase or Lotus Notes iDataAgent, please make sure to include Informix, DB2, etc. users into group "dba".
Press <ENTER> to continue ...

22. Type a network TCP port number for the Communications Service (CVD) and press Enter.

Type a network TCP port number for the Client Event Manager Service (EvMgrC) and press Enter.


  • For more information about Network TCP Ports, see Network TCP Port Requirements.
  • For more information about these services, see Services.
  • If the port number you entered already exists, a message will be displayed Port #### is already reserved in /etc/services. To work around this issue, enter different port number.
Every instance of Calypso should use a unique set of network ports to avoid interfering with other instances running on the same machine.
The port numbers selected must be from the reserved port number range and have not been registered by another application on this machine.

Please enter the port numbers.

Port Number for CVD : [8600]

Port Number for EvMgrC: [8602]
23. If this computer and the CommServe is separated by a firewall, type Yes and then press Enter to continue.

For firewall options and configuration instructions, see Firewall Configuration and continue with the installation.

If you do not wish to configure the firewall services, type No and then press Enter to continue.

Is there a firewall between this client and the CommServe? [no]
24. Type the name of the CommServe computer and press Enter to continue.


  • Ensure that the CommServe is accessible before typing the name; otherwise the installation will fail.
  • If you enter a short name which resolves to the same IP address as the fully qualified CommServe name, you will be asked if you would prefer to use the fully qualified name.
Please specify hostname of the CommServe below. Make sure the hostname is fully qualified, resolvable by the name services configured on this machine.

CommServe Host Name:

25. Enter the username and password information for an external domain user account or a CommCell user account. This authorizes the installation of an agent on the CommCell.


  • This is only displayed when the Authentication for Agent feature is enabled in the CommCell Properties. Users must belong to a User Group with Agent Management capabilities to enable this feature. For more information, see Authentication for Agent Installs.

Click Enter to continue.

Enter your CommCell user name and password:

User Name :

Password :

Press <ENTER> to continue ...

Kernel Parameters

26. Enter the appropriate number of streams, and then press Enter to continue, or
Press Enter to accept the default number of streams and continue.


This prompt is relevant only when you install/upgrade on a Macintosh or Solaris computer as appropriate.

Please enter the total number of streams that you plan to run at the same time. We need to make sure that you have enough semaphores and shared memory segments configured in /etc/system.

Number of streams: [10]

27. Indicate whether you would like modifications to be made to the /etc/system configuration file.

Type Yes, and then press Enter to automatically update the file and continue, or
Press Enter to accept the default No and continue (if you do not want to automatically update the file).

This prompt is displayed only when you install/upgrade on a Solaris (8 or 9) or Macintosh computer.

We now need to modify the /etc/system configuration file on this computer. It is done to make sure that there will be enough shared memory and semaphores available for Calypso programs.

Please review the changes below and answer "yes" if you want us to apply them to the /etc/system file. Otherwise, the installation will proceed, the changes will be saved to some other file, and you will have to apply them manually.

set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni=8570 (was 7930)
set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg=8420 (was 7780)
set semsys:seminfo_semmns=10320 (was 9680)
set semsys:seminfo_semmni=8570 (was 7930)
set semsys:seminfo_semmsl=8570(was 7930)

Do you want us to apply these changes now? [no]

Changes saved into /etc/

Press <ENTER> to continue.

28. If you indicated No in the previous step, the file to which the changes have been saved is displayed.
Make sure that these values are established later to ensure that all the requirements for this setup is satisfied.


  • The settings that are displayed are the maximum or minimum required settings. Value ’640’, which is provided for various shared memory segment or semaphore requirements, is a maximum value based on 10 streams.

Press Enter to continue.

This prompt is displayed only when you install/upgrade on a Solaris (8 or 9) computer, in cases where the install detects that the computer does not have the maximum or minimum required shared memory settings.

Although a ’no’ answer can be selected to this question during install, the user should make sure the min requirements (below) for shared memory are met, otherwise the backups may fail (the message in logs is ’could not start the pipeline’).

set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=4199304
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmin=1
set semsys:shminfo_shmmni=640
set semsys:shminfo_shmseg=640
set semsys:seminfo_semmns=640
set semsys:seminfo_semmni=640
set semsys:seminfo_semmsl=640
set maxusers=256

Enable Global Filters

29. Type the appropriate number for configuring Global Filters for the default subclient and press Enter to continue.


  • Select Use Cell level Policy to inherit the global filter policy configuration set for the CommCell, i.e., if the Use Global Filters on All Subclients option is selected in the Global Filters dialog box (from the CommCell Console’s Control Panel), then this policy will be applied to the default subclient as well. If is not selected, then the global filters will not be applied to the default subclient.
  • Select Always use Global filters to always apply the global filters policy to the default subclient regardless of the policy set for the CommCell.
  • Select Do not use Global filters to disregard applying the global filters to the default subclient regardless of the policy set for the CommCell.
Commcell Level Global Filters are set through Calypso GUI's Control Panel in order to filter out certain directories or files from backup Commcell-widely. If you turn on the Global filters, they will be effective to the default subclient. There are three options you can choose to set the filters.

1) Use Cell level policy
2) Always use Global filters
3) Do not use Global filters

Please select how to set the Global Filters for the default subclient? [1]

Client Group Selection

30. Type the number of a Client Group and press Enter.

A confirmation screen will mark your choice with an "X". Type d for done with the selection, and press Enter to continue.


  • This screen will be displayed only if Client Groups are configured for the CommCell. For more information, see Client Computer Groups.
Client Group(s) is currently configured on CommServe Please choose the group(s) that you want to add this client to. The selected group(s) will be marked (X) and can be deselected if you enter the same number again. After you are finished with the selection, select "Done with the Selection".

[ ] 1) Unix
[ ] 2) DR
[ ] 3) DKS

[a=all n=none r=reverse q=quit d=done >=next <=previous ?=help]

Enter number(s)/one of "a,n,r,q,d,>,<,?" here: 2

Storage Policy Selection

31. Enter the number corresponding to the storage policy through which you want to back up the File System iDataAgent and then press Enter to continue.


  • A storage policy directs backup data to a media library. Each library has a default storage policy.
  • When you install an Agent, the install program creates a default subclient for most Agents.
  • If desired, you can change your storage policy selection at any time after you have installed the client software.
  • If this screen appears more than once, it is because you have selected multiple agents for installation and are configuring storage policy association for each of the installed agents.
Please select one storage policy for this IDA from the list below:

1) SP_StandAloneLibrary2_2
2) SP_Library3_3
3) SP_MagLibrary4_4
4) fornax_fornax_HWCmp
5) ranger_ranger_HWCmp
6) fornax_fornax_ClntCmp
7) fornax_fornax_MACmp
8) fornax_fornax_NoCmp

Storage Policy: [3]

ProxyHost Installation

32. The install program now starts copying the software to the computer. The progress of the operation is displayed.

Press Enter to continue.


Successfully copied xx files


Successfully installed CVGxProxyIDA.

Press ENTER to continue ...

Setup Complete

33. Press Enter to continue.


  • Schedules help ensure that the data protection operations for the Agent are automatically performed on a regular basis without user intervention. For more information, see Scheduling.


In addition to installing Calypso on this computer, you will also need to create a Job Schedule for each iDataAgent that has been installed on this client computer.

Job Schedules are required to allow the Calypso iDataAgents to perform automated backup and restore operations.

Job Schedule creation can be accomplished through the Calypso CommCell Console administration interface.


34. This menu may be displayed only when you are installing on HP-UX, Linux, or Solaris computers. If this is the last package that you wish to install/upgrade, enter the number corresponding to the Exit option and then press Enter to continue.


  • Only modules that are not installed/upgraded appear in the list.
  • Your screen may appear different from the example shown.
  • If you are installing on AIX, FreeBSD, IRIX or Tru64 computers, if this module was the last possible module to install, you are automatically exited from the program. Otherwise, type the number for the Exit option and then press Enter. The installation is completed.
Select the Calypso module that you would like to install.

1) FileSystem iDataAgent
2) Exit

Module number: [1]

35. Enter Yes to download and install the latest service packs and post packs from the software provider.


  • Internet connectivity is required to download updates.
  • This step is applicable for multi instancing.

Press Enter to continue.

Keep Your Install Up to Date - Latest Service Pack

Latest Service Pack provides extra functions and latest support and fix for the packages you are going to install. You can download the latest service pack from software provider website.

If you decide to download it from the website now, please make sure you have internet connectivity at this time. This process may take some time depending on the internet connectivity.

Do you want to download the latest service pack now? [no]

Press <ENTER> to continue ...

36. This prompt is displayed only when you are installing on HP-UX, Linux, or Solaris computers. Enter the number corresponding to the Exit option and then press Enter to continue.

The installation is now complete.

Calypso is currently configured on virtual machine

Now you have an option of installing Calypso on physical machine, another virtual machine or you can add a new package to

1) Add a new package to
2) Install Calypso on the physical machine
3) Install Calypso on another virtual machine
4) Exit

Your choice: [1]

Post-Install Considerations


  • Install post-release updates or Service Packs that may have been released after the release of the software. When you are installing a Service Pack, ensure that it is the same version as the one installed in the CommServe Server. Alternatively, you can enable Automatic Updates for quick and easy installation of updates in the CommCell component.

  • After installing the Agent, you may want to configure the Agent before running a data protection operation. The following list includes some of the most common features that can be configured:
    • Configure your subclients - see Subclients for more information.
    • Schedule your data protection operations - see Scheduling for more information.
    • Configure Alerts - See Alerts and Monitoring for more information.
    • Schedule Reports - See Reports for more information.

The software provides many more features that you will find useful. See the Index for a complete list of supported features.


  • The cvclusternotify script should be added as part of the normal cluster startup/shutdown procedure. The script is provided as a generic template, and it must be run at the beginning of node shutdown and at the end of new active node startup. In both cases, data protection services must be up and running.

    Run the following command to notify Calypso that the specified "virtual node" is going up or down because of a cluster failover:


    cvclusternotify -inst <Instance> -cn <Client Name> -start|-shutdown


    cvclusternotify - Program to notify Calypso of cluster failovers


    For two-node cluster, if the virtual client name is "virtual" and the application instance is "Instance001", run the following command:

    • To shutdown:

      cvclusternotify -inst Instance001 -cn "virtual" -shutdown

    • To start up:

      cvclusternotify -inst Instance001 -cn "virtual" -start

  • On failover of a Linux cluster, Services may be killed by cluster services during a virtual machine failover. To insure that the Services are re-started on the passive node, add commands in failover scripts to start Services.

Disaster Recovery Considerations

  • Before you use your agent, be sure to review and understand the associated full system restore (or disaster recovery) procedure. The procedure for some agents may require that you plan specific actions or consider certain items before an emergency occurs.  See Disaster Recovery for more information regarding your agent.