XML Input file for Windows Silent Install

Table of Contents

Example XML File

XML Input File Description

Example XML File

The example of the contents of a default XML input file generated during the record mode of a Windows File System iDataAgent.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>

<CVInstallManager_ClientSetup Focus="New" JobID="0">


<CommserveHostInfo clientName="mycomputer" hostName="mycomputer.mycompany.com" />


<clientComposition activateClient="1" packageDeliveryOption="0">


        <client cvdPort="8400" evmgrcPort="8402" installDirectory="C:\Program Files\Company\">

            <clientEntity clientName="" hostName="" />

            <jobResulsDir path="C:\Program Files\Company\iDataAgent\JobResults"/>


        <clientProps />



    <componentInfo ComponentId="1" ComponentName="Base Client" osType="Windows" />

    <componentInfo ComponentId="702" ComponentName="FileSystem iDA for Windows" osType="Windows" />

    <commonInfo apachePort="80" globalFilters="2" iisPort="80" iisSSLPort="443" />



<installFlags deletePackagesAfterInstall="1" forceReboot="0" ignoreJobsRunning="0" installLatestServicePack="1" killBrowserProcesses="0" overrideClientInfo="0" showFirewallConfigDialogs="0" stopOracleServices="0" upgradeMode="0" />


XML Input File Description

Attribute Name



Focus New This is the Instance number to which the software will be installed in a multi-instance environment. By default the attribute uses New as a values which automatically defines the existing instance number during install. For example, for first instance the value is defined as instance001, for multiple instance it is defined by the other instance numbers.
clientName   This attribute indicates the short name of the CommServe computer. Example: mycomputer

Do not specify a value for this attribute if you are running a Decoupled Install of the software.

hostName   This attribute indicates the long name of the CommServe computer. Example: mycomputer.mycompany.com.

Do not specify a value for this attribute if you are running a Decoupled Install of the software.

cvdPort 8400 Required. This is the TCP port number for the Communications Service (CVD). If the client computer has multiple instances of the Agent software installed, then each instance must be configured with a distinct port number.
evmgrcPort 8402 Required. This is the TCP port number for the Client Event Manager Service (EvMgrC). If the client computer has multiple instances of the Agent software installed, then each instance must be configured with a distinct port number.
installDirectory C:\Program Files\Company\ This value indicates the software installation path. The default location of install directory is C:\Program Files\Company.
clientName   This attribute indicates the local name of the client computer.
hostName   This attribute indicates TCP/IP host name of the NIC that the client computer will use to communicate with the CommServe.
path C:\Program Files\Company\ iDataAgent\JobResults This is the directory where you want the job results to reside. The default location of job results directory is C:\Program Files\Company\iDataAgent\JobResults.
ComponentId 702 Optional. These are the package Id(s) of the components (agents) to be installed.

See List of Package Ids for valid values (e.g., 702).

One or more parameters can be specified (e.g., 702)
ComponentName Windows File System iDataAgent Required. Specify the name of the components (agents) to be installed.
osType Windows This attribute defines the type of the Operating System. By default Windows is automatically defined for as the value for this attribute for Windows Install.

For Unix install, by default Unix will be defined as a value for this attribute.

apachePort 80 This value is used for Web Search Client. It is important to know the port numbers used by iisPort services, and make sure that the same port number is not used by two services.
globalFilters 0 Optional. This value indicates the Global Filters options for the default subclient; a value of 0 to disable global filters for the default subclient, 1 to enable global filters for the default subclient and 2 to enable Cell level policy for global filters.
iisPort 81 This values specifies the port number for the Web Search Server. It is important to know the port numbers used by apache web services, and make sure that the same port number is not used by two services.
iisSSLPort 443 This values specifies the port number of IIS Secure Socket Layer for Web Search Server.
deletePackagesAfterInstall 1 This value indicated to delete the packages after silent install.
forceReboot 0 This value indicated to reboot the machine if required. For example, a reboot will be required after install to initialize the QSnap driver, before you can use this Agent.
ignoreJobsRunning 0 This value is used during Install Software from CommCell Console. This is used to ignore the job running during the software install from CommCell Console. Use value 1 to ignore the job.
installLatestServicePack 1 This is used to download and install the latest service pack. Use value 1 to download and install the service pack, value 0 to disable the download and install.
killBrowserProcesses 0 This is used to kill the Browser if any browsers are running during Console install.
overrideClientInfo 0 This value is used to override the Client name or Hostname in the CommCell Browser.
showFirewallConfigDialogs 0 This value indicates that the firewall dialog screens will not be displayed during the remote install; a value of 1 means they will be displayed. For more information about firewalls, see Firewall Considerations.
stopOracleServices 0 This value indicates to stop the oracle services during Oracle iDataAgent install. Use value 0 to stop the services, value 1 to start the services.
upgradeMode 0 This value indicated that this is silent upgrade; a value 1 means this is upgrade.