Backup Set / Archive Set Properties (General)

Note that all the options described in this help may not be available and only the options displayed in the dialog box are applicable to the agent for which the information is being displayed.

Client Name / Client Computer

Displays the name of the Client computer on which this backup set / archive set is found.

Billing Department

Displays the name of the billing department, when the backup set is associated with a billing department. For more information on Billing and Costing See the CommNet Books Online.

Agent Type / iDataAgent

Displays the name of the iDataAgent to which this backup set / archive set belongs.


Displays the name of the instance to which this backup set belongs.


Displays the Lotus Domino Server data path under which this data is found.

Database Name

Displays the name of the database.

Replication Set

The name of the Replication Set for which the system automatically created this backup set and its default subclient.

Backup Set / New Backup Set Name

Specifies the name of the Backup Set. You can use this space to create or modify a name. (Backup Sets for certain iDataAgents cannot be modified.)

Choose Backupset Type

Image Backup Set

Specifies whether the selected  backup set will perform a SnapMirror to Tape (aka smtape) block backup. These backup types are supported for NetApp file servers running ONTAP 8.0 or higher. These types of backups are useful if the volumes on the filers contain mirrored snapshots. Moving mirrored snapshots to tape saves filer disk space and provides fast point-in-time volume recovery of mirrored data. 


Displays the SharePoint Server version. Applicable only on machines where both SharePoint Server 2003 and 2007 versions exist.

Archive Set / New Archive Set Name

Displays the name of the archive set. If applicable, use this space to enter or change the name of the archive set.

On Demand

Displays whether the selected backup set / archive set is an On Demand Backup Set / Archive Set.

Make this the Default backup set

Specifies whether the selected backup set is the default or a user-defined backup. Selecting this option asserts this backup set as the default. The previously designated default backup set is automatically reallocated as a user-defined backup set. Clearing this option, is accomplished by opening the Backup Set Properties dialog box of some other backup set and clicking this option there, thereby designating that backup set as the default.

Subclient Content may contain Wildcard Entries

Allows for the selection of files with specified extensions that can be backed up during the backup operation.

Make this the Default archive set

Displays whether the selected archive set is the default, in cases where other types of archive sets are also supported on the same agent (for example: User-Defined Archive Set, DataClassSet, On Demand Archive Set).

Subclient Policy

Displays the name of the Subclient Policy associated with this backup set. If no Subclient Policy is associated with this backup set, it will display "<None>".

Job Options

Next Backup

Displays whether the next backup job may be full or non-full. When Next Backup displays Full the next backup job will be changed to a full.

Available DB Names

Select the database name(s) to be used as backup set name(s) by clicking the database name(s) and then clicking > to move the name(s) into Selection.


Specify the appropriate backup set (database) name(s) from the Available DB Names.

Storage Policy for All Log Files

Specifies the storage policy for all the log files in this backup set. You can use the list to change the storage policy.

Catalog Partition No.

Specifies the number of the catalog partition database for the DB2 DPF instance. This is the partition through which access to all system tables must go.

Connect as a Different User

Specifies to connect to the DB2 application using a different DB2 user account.

User Account

Displays the application User account used by the system to perform all Data Protection and Recovery operations for this backup set.


Click to change the application user account.

Status of <database>

Displays the status of the database (backup set) as either CONNECTED or DISCONNECTED.


Displays the most current status of the database.


Displays those subclients that belong to the backup set / archive set.

Storage Policies

Select a storage policy from the list.

Enable Auto-Discover

Specifies whether to enable auto-discovery of new databases for all subclients of this backup set. Selecting this option will cause the system to discover and assign any new databases at the beginning of each backup operation. This option is available only for default dump backup set of postgresql iDataAgents.


Use this field to enter a description about the entity. This description can include information about the entity's content, cautionary notes, etc.


Click to create a subclient for the backup set / archive set.


Click to change the properties of a subclient that you select from the list.


Removes a subclient that you select from the list.

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