Browse Options

Use this dialog box to select the basic options under which you want to browse the data secured by a data protection operation in the selected client, agent, instance/partition, or backup set level depending on the functionality of a given agent.

The system provides several browse options. These options influence the behavior of the browse operation in the subsequent Browse window. Note that all the options described in this help may not be available and only the options displayed in the dialog box are applicable to the agent for which the information is being displayed.

Browse the Latest Data

Specifies whether the browse operation must display data from the most recent data protection operation (from now back to the last full backup) in the Browse window. (This option is selected by default.)

Specify Browse Time

Specifies whether the browse operation must display data, up to the specified date and time in the Browse window. Data secured after the specified date and time will be omitted in this window.

Select from Available Browse Times

Displays a list containing the time of different backup jobs available in the destination, from which data can be browsed. For Workstation Backup Agent, this option displays the list of recovery points available in the destination. Select the desired time.

Use MediaAgent

Specifies the name of MediaAgent that will be used to perform the browse (and restore) operation. If necessary, you can change the name of the MediaAgent. For example, if the library is shared and you wish to use a specific MediaAgent (instead of the system selected MediaAgent, or a MediaAgent which may be idle, or less critical) or if you know that the media containing the data you wish to restore is available in the library attached to the specified MediaAgent.

If the media containing the data is not available in the tape/optical library attached to the MediaAgent, the system will automatically prompt you to insert the appropriate media. In the case of a disk library, the operation will fail if the requested data is not available in the disk library attached to the specified MediaAgent.

Client Computer

Lists the client computers available for the browse operation. This option is available only when the browse operation is performed either from the client node in the CommCell Browser, Browse & Recover option from the Tools menu in the CommCell Console or when the New Browse button is clicked in the Browse window.

Specify Browse Path

Specifies the starting point for the browse operation. Also provides a space for you to type the path.

Show Deleted Items

Specifies whether the operation will browse all the data (including deleted items) secured by all data protection operations for the selected backup set as of the specified browse items.

Table View

Specifies whether the backup data should be displayed as database tables during the browse operation.

Image Browsing

Specifies whether the operation will browse all the data (including deleted items) secured by all data protection operations for the selected backup set as of the specified browse times.

The main difference between image browse and no-image browse is that deleted items are shown only by the no-image browse.

Keep in mind that the display of deleted items depends on whether full backup transparency is enabled. If full backup transparency is disabled (the default), only those deleted items that existed back through the most recent full backup are shown. However if full backup transparency is enabled, the deleted items shown includes those that existed during the time interval from initial index creation through the time being browsed.

To determine whether full backup transparency is enabled or disabled, from the CommCell Browser, right-click the iDataAgent and then select Properties. Click the Index tab. If Create new index on full backup is selected, then full backup transparency is disabled.

File Level Browse (Restore individual files/folders from disk image)

Specifies whether the operation will browse all the files and folders secured by all data protection operations for the selected backup set as of the specified browse items.

Volume Level Browse (Restore the disk image/volume)

Specifies whether the operation will browse all the volumes secured by all data protection operations for the selected backup set as of the specified browse items.


For SQL Server, specifies whether to browse individual databases.

File/File Group

For SQL Server, specifies whether to browse file groups and files for the databases.

Page Size

Use the space to enter the default number of objects to be displayed in the Browse window. This field reverts back to the default setting after use. In the Browse window, you can browse through each page list by selecting the appropriate page number.

Browse Data from SQL

Specifies that SharePoint documents can be mined from an offline mining database.

SQL Instance

For SharePoint Offline mining, specifies the SQL instance that is associated with the offline mining database. Click ... to select from a list or type the instance name.

User Account

For SharePoint Offline mining, specifies the Username and Password of the account that can access the instance. Click Edit to enter the username and password.

Config Database

For SharePoint Offline mining, specifies the Configuration Database that will be used to mine SharePoint documents.  Click ... to select from a list or type the Configuration Database name.

Browse only volumes

Specifies that the browse operation must display only a list of volumes; required for a Volume Level Restore.


Click to access additional browse capabilities.

List Media

Click to display media required for restore or index restore operations.

Type of Intended Restore (Virtual Server iDataAgent)

This section provides the facility to select the type of restore you want to perform following the Browse operation.

Browse/Restore Directory Server data from database

For Active Directory Offline Mining, enter the path to the database from which you want to restore directory server data. For Active Directory Server databases, this file will be the ntds.dit file. For ADAM and Lightweight Server databases, this file will be the adamntds.dit file. Click Browse to locate the database or enter the complete database path in the File Path field.

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