CI Engine Properties

Use this dialog box to view information associated with the Content Indexing (CI) Engine.

CI Engine Name

Displays the name of the Content Indexing Engine that was specified during the installation of the software.

CI Engine Description

Displays a description if any description was added. Use this space to record relevant information about the Content Indexing Engine.

Number of Objects

Displays the total number of objects that are currently content indexed. This value is updated at the end of each content indexing job.

Admin URL

URL to the Admin page of the CI Engine.

CI Engine Version

The software version of the Content Indexing Engine.

Maximum Number of Batch Slots

Specifies the maximum number of batch slots to be sent at a time to the Content Indexing Engine for content indexing.

Maximum Number of Documents Per Batch

Specifies the maximum number of documents to be included in a batch for content indexing.

Index large files (files greater than 50 MB)

Select this option if you want to content index large files. When selected, you will need to specify the staging path where the files will be temporarily staged prior to content indexing.

Use Network Share

Select to enter a network share as the staging path. On a multi-node Content Indexing Engine, the network share should be accessible by all the nodes of the Content Indexing Engine.

Use Local Drive

Select to enter a local drive or folder as the staging path. Make sure that the staging path is not on the same drive as that of the content index.

Staging Path

Enter the path where the files to be content indexed will be temporarily placed prior to content indexing.

When specifying the staging location, ensure that the size (in KB) of the staging directory is twice greater than the number of batches * number of files per batch * the average file size in KB.

Impersonate user

Specifies the user account to be used to access the network share staging path. This user account should have full control access on the network share. It is recommended not to use the administrator user account for the network share.


Click to change the user account credentials to access the network share staging path.


Use this field to enter a description about the entity. This description can include information about the entity's content, cautionary notes, etc.

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