Export Pass-Phrase

Use this dialog box to export the selected pass-phrase to destination client computer(s). The pass-phrase is placed in a <hostname>.pf file which is copied to the <software installation path>\PF folders and is named for the source client. Should you disable encryption at some point, either at the client or subclient level, know that these exported files are not deleted.

Exported a pass-phrase facilitate scheduled data recovery operations run from the CommCell Console, automatically bypassing the requirement of manually entering a pass-phrase. If you elect not to export the pass-phrase to destination clients, you will be required to enter the pass-phrase during immediate data recovery operations run from the CommCell Console.

Situations for which you must export the pass-phrase:

Destination Computer

Select a client computer from the list of CommCell clients.


Enter the source client's pass-phrase.

Re-enter Pass-Phrase

Re-enter the source client's pass-phrase for confirmation. Only one pass-phrase is allowed per client at any time. If you change the pass-phrase in the GUI, you will need to once again export it to the client.