MediaAgent Properties (Catalog )

Use this dialog box to view or modify the index cache sharing and retention criteria.

Catalog Profile

Select this option to use a shared catalog configuration for index cache sharing.

Index Cache

Index retention time in days

Specifies the number of days to retain the index cache. Whenever a backup is initiated, the MediaAgent removes all index files that have not been accessed within the specified number of days.

Minimum Free Space (MB)

Specifies the total amount of free space that must be available at all times in the index cache. If necessary, use the space to modify the amount of minimum free space.

Index cleanup percent

Specifies the disk percentage used to remove the index cache.

Whenever a backup is initiated, the MediaAgent checks for the available disk space in the disk housing the index cache. If the amount of used disk space exceeds the specified percentage, the MediaAgent removes index files in the index cache on a least recently used basis until the disk space is equal to the specified percentage. However, keep in mind that the index retention time will not be taken into consideration during this process.

Free Space Warning (MB)

Specifies the amount of free space in the index cache at which a warning must be generated. If the amount of free space falls below the specified amount, the MediaAgent generates an event message and generates the MediaAgents (Disk Space Low) alert, if configured.

note.gif (292 bytes) The above parameters are not applicable for NetWare MediaAgents. Ensure that you have sufficient disk space on the NetWare volume that hosts the index cache before performing data protection operations.

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