New Media Group (General)

Spare Group Properties (General)

Use this dialog box to create new media groups or to view or modify the properties of a spare group.

Group Name

Specifies the name of the spare group. Use the space to provide a new name.


Identifies the name of the library to which the spare group is attached.

Watermark for Spare Media in the pool

Spare Media Selection criteria


Specifies the priority for the media group. Together with High watermark, this option is used by the automatic media discovery operation to distribute new media into spare groups, if the Auto-Discovery options are enabled in the library in the Library Properties (Media) tab.

No. of Media

Identifies the number of media that are currently available in the spare group.

Media Type

note.gif (292 bytes) Before performing a data protection operation, always verify and ensure that sufficient media is available in the spare group associated with the library which will be used by the operation. Data protections operations may get impacted if the media in the scratch pool is insufficient.

You can determine the spare groups below their low watermark levels from the Media Information (Scratch Pools)  report.

Watermark is not applicable for stand-alone drives.

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