Report Selection (General)

Discovery Reports

Use this tab to select and generate discovery reports. The individual reports are listed and explained below.

Review Set Posting

Information about searched items which are added or posted to the review set will appear in the report.

Review Set Activity

Information on operations performed on the items contained in the review set will appear in the report .

Review Set Summary

Information about sharing status and search items count for each review set will appear in the report.

Legal Hold Summary

Information about backup and retention along with count of items inside each legal hold will appear in the report.

Search Activity

Information about search queries that are submitted will appear in the report.

Save As

Click to save the selected options as a report template or as a script file.

When you save the operation as a script, each option in the dialog will have a corresponding xml parameter in the script file. When executing the script, you can modify the value for any of these XML parameters as per need.

Click the following links to view the Command Line XML values for the corresponding reports :

Command Line XML Options for Discovery Reports

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