Report Selection (General)

Job Schedule Report

Use this dialog box to select the filter criteria for the schedules to be included in the Job Schedule - List Report, or the Job Schedule - Interval Report.

The individual filter criteria are listed and explained below.


Allows you to select the scheduled job tasks to display in the report.

Schedule View

Allows you to select the schedule view criteria to generate the Job Schedule - List Report, or the Job Schedule - Interval Report.

Group By

Allows you to group by Client or Next Schedule Time in the report.

Include Job Options

Displays all the details of a particular job run when the report is generated.

Allow Dynamic Content

When selected with Job Options, it will enhance the job details of a particular job run. The job options are viewable when the Job Options link is selected in the report.

Save As

Click to save the selected options as a report template or as a script file.

When you save the operation as a script, each option in the dialog will have a corresponding xml parameter in the script file. When executing the script, you can modify the value for any of these XML parameters as per need.

Click the following links to view the Command Line XML values for the corresponding reports :

Command Line XML Options for Job Schedule Report

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