Report Selection (Options)/Modifying Scheduled Report (Detail - Options)

Job Summary Report

Use this tab to select the options to be included in the report.  Not all fields apply to all operation types.  For a scheduled job summary report, you can use this tab to modify filter options that have already been selected, or to select additional filter options.

Backup Types

Allows you to select the types of backup operations to display in the report. Choose among the following:

     Includes automated system recovery operations in the report.

QR Only:

Job Status

Allows you to select the types of Job Status to display in the report.

Throughput Unit

Allows you to select the throughput (the transferred rate) to be displayed in the report as either GB/Hour or MB/Second.

Size Unit

Job Time

Allows you to generate Job Summary reports where the data reflects either the CommServe time zone or the time zone of each Client in the CommCell. The Administrative Job Summary reports will only display the CommServe time zone.

Data Size

Allows you to select the data size of the data protection job to display in the report.

Jobs Retained By

Allows you to display jobs based on data aging retention rules.  Choose one or more among the following:

Save As

Click to save the selected options as a report template or as a script file.

When you save the operation as a script, each option in the dialog will have a corresponding xml parameter in the script file. When executing the script, you can modify the value for any of these XML parameters as per need.

Click the following links to view the Command Line XML values for the corresponding reports :

Command Line XML Options for Job Summary Report.

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