
Use this dialog box to add, modify, or view the filters on the selected subclient.

Include Global Filters

Displays a list of options for enabling or disabling Global Filters which can be used in addition to the filters set at the subclient level to exclude data from data protection operations for this subclient. To change the setting, select one of the following values from the list:

Exclude the following folders

Displays entries that will be excluded from data protection operations for this subclient.

Exclude the folders that contain the following patterns

Displays wildcard patterns to filter mailboxes from backups. The pattern you enter will be applied to all content defined for the subclient. Enter each wildcard pattern on a separate line. For a comprehensive wildcard list, see Wildcards.

Wildcard Example Description


To filter out a folder which begins with Sent, specify the name of the folder and the asterisk * wildcard with no delimiters.

Sent Items\test*

To filter out a subfolder called test, specify the full path including the leader \ backslash.


To filter out any path that ends in a folder name, use the full path including the leader \ backslash and the asterisk * wildcard for the first level.


Click to manually add an entry to be included in, or excluded from, data protection operations for this subclient.


Click to manually edit an entry to be included in, or excluded from, data protection operations for this subclient.


Click to delete a selected filter entry.

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