Subclient Properties of  <subclient name>(General)

Use this dialog box to manage the SQL Server database properties.

Client Name

Displays the name of the Client computer to which this subclient belongs.

Billable Entity

Displays the name of the Billable Entity, when the subclient is associated with a billable entity.

Billing Department

Displays the name of the billing department, when the subclient is associated with a billing department.


Displays the name of the iDataAgent to which this subclient belongs.


Displays the name of the Instance to which this subclient belongs.


Displays the name of this Subclient.

You can use this space to enter or modify the name of the subclient.

Allow multiple data readers for Backup Copy

Specifies whether multiple data reads are allowed for a single Windows physical drive during backups on this subclient. This should be selected only for specialized hardware such as RAID, or possibly in the case of spanned volumes.

Disable Auto-Discovery

Specified to disable the auto-discovery and pre-assignment of SQL databases to the default subclient. By default, SQL databases are automatically discovered and assigned to the default subclient. (This option is available only in the default subclient.)


Use this field to enter a description about the entity. This description can include information about the entity's content, cautionary notes, etc.

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