Properties of SQL Server: <subclient name> (SQL Settings)

Use this dialog box to specify tunable settings and log consistency checking for SQL backups.

Block Size

Specifies the block size that will be used during backup. All data transfers are in integral multiples of this value. Either accept the default value of 65,536 bytes (i.e., 64KB) or enter a value between 512 bytes and 65,536 bytes inclusive.

Buffer Count

Specifies the total number of buffers that will be used during backup. Either accept the default value of 1 or enter a value between 1 and INT_MAX (the maximum value of an int on the platform being used). 

Note the following:

Maximum Transfer Size

Specifies the maximum transfer size that will be used between during backup. Either accept the default value of 65,536 bytes (i.e., 64KB) or enter a value in multiples of 64 KB. The range is between 65,536 bytes and 4,294,967,296  bytes (i.e., 4 MB). 

Disable Log Consistency Check

By default, this option is enabled and the software will check for log consistency during backup. If detected that the backup chain is broken when this option is enabled, the job will not proceed. Select this option to disable log consistency checking. When disabled, if the software detects that the chain is broken, the job will not fail but the database being backed up may not be restorable later on.