Impersonate User

For Windows File System, use this dialog box to provide a valid account, username and password to be used when configuring a UNC Path as part of the subclient's content.

For Oracle or Quick Recovery with an Oracle application, use this dialog box to change the Windows Account.

Note that all the options described in this help may not be available and only the options displayed in the dialog box are applicable to the agent for which the information is being displayed.

(NT) User Account

For Oracle-based agents, displays the Windows user account used by the system to perform all operations, including backup, restore and browse.  For Windows File System, displays the valid User Account to be used when backing up from or restoring to a UNC Path.  You can use the space provided to modify the appropriate account.

New Password

Use this space to type the correct password for the account.

Confirm Password

Use this space to retype the password for confirmation.