Tracking Policy Details


Use this dialog box to view or change the properties of a Tracking Policy.

Policy Name

The name of the Tracking Policy.


Use this space to add relevant information about the tracking policy.


Used to specify whether the Tracking Policy can be initiated or not.

Select this option to enable the Tracking Policy and make it available for use. Clear this option to disable the Tracking Policy.

Auto Acknowledge

Specifies whether the system must automatically acknowledge all pending media movement actions, when the media is exported from the library.

Start exporting media x minute(s) from the execution time of policy

Select this option to delay the export of media for a specified period of time following the execution time of the policy.

Abort exports if not completed within x minute(s)

Select this option to suspend the export operation if the operation has not completed within a specified period of time.

Offline Reason

Indicates the offline reason, when the Tracking Policy is not enabled.

Export Media

Select this option of the media does not need to be brought back to the library.

Due back

Select this option to bring back spare media which resides outside the library.

Note that the recyclable media is calculated based on the Retain for n days established in the Copy Properties that was used to write to the media. Retention cycles and Extended Retention Rules for Full Backups are not considered.

Storage Policy

Use this dialog box to select the storage policies and storage policy copies that must be used by the Tracking Policy to select the media.


Use this dialog box to select the source location (library, export location, and media repository) for the Tracking Policy.

Use Virtual Mail Slots for export in source libraries

When selected, media matching the specified criteria will be moved to the virtual mail slot, when the tracking policy is run. Virtual mail slots are defined in the Library Properties (Media) dialog box.


Use this dialog box to specify the criteria used by the Tracking Policy to select media.

Media Status

Provides a list of media available in the library/location.

Time Selection Limit media count for export

When selected, allows you to specify the number of media (matching the specified criteria) that should be included in the Tracking policy. Additionally, you can choose to free a specified amount of space from each source library.

Exclude Media Not Copied

When selected, allows you to exclude media with jobs that have to be copied.

Filter Media By Retention

Specifies that the system must automatically filter media based on whether the media has extended retention jobs or not.


Use this dialog box to specify the destination location for the Tracking Policy.

Track Transit

When selected, specifies that transit location information must be tracked in the Tracking policy, and lists the transit locations entered using the Export Location Details dialog box. You can also type a new transit location in this box.


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