Jobs and Resources

CommNet Jobs and Resources

This view displays a list of the currently registered CommCells found in the CommNet domain, and provides users with a quick glance at the job status information per CommCell. This view is automatically refreshed every five (5) minutes. Here, users can see the jobs that are currently:

Clicking on the CommCell name will launch the CommCell Jobs and Resources View.

CommCell Jobs and Resources

Jobs View

The Job View, which can be displayed in a table or tree format, contains the all the jobs associated with the selected CommCell. This view is automatically refreshed every 30 seconds per CommCell. Users can view the status of the jobs and control them via this view; jobs can be suspended, resumed or killed. This is especially useful if the Jobs View indicates that there is a problem with a resource hindering a successful completion.

Resources View

The Resources view, which can be displayed in a table or tree format, contains the events that have occurred on a given mountpath, library, drive or MediaAgent. This view is automatically refreshed every 30 seconds per CommCell as well. Users can enable/disable the mountpath and resources via this view. It can be used to quickly identify whether any libraries and/or MediaAgents are offline, or if there are any other problems with any of the resources. Clicking on a resource in this view will launch another window displaying the resource's specific details. This is especially useful if the Jobs and Resources view indicates that there is a problem with a resource.

Users can also filter the Resources View to only display details related to specific libraries or MediaAgents. To use this filter, the CommNet Browser must be in a paused state, which stops updates to the current window; to do this, click on the Pause button in the CommNet Browser tool bar. Once the Console is in a paused state, the filter can be launched by clicking the icon to right of the Resource View format options. When finished with this filter, click on the Play button to resume updates to the current window.