Media Management Media Information Report

The Media Information Report provides detailed information about the media used across a selection of CommCells. This report can be generated immediately or scheduled to run at a specific time.

Filter Options

Four filters are available for this report, each described below:

Media Selection

This filter provides criteria options from which the report will obtain media information.

Time Range Selection

This filter provides the facility to select specific time criteria from which the report will obtain media information.

Entity Selection

This filter provides the facility to select one or more CommCells and CommCell entities from which the report will obtain media information. In addition to selecting individual entities from the expandable tree nodes, you can also choose to include all libraries, locations, storage policy copies, and media repositories within the CommNet domain.

Column Selection

This filter provides the facility to select the columns to be displayed in the report. The default columns available for selection will depend on the chosen Group By option in the Display Options section.

Report Details

When generated, the Media Information Report displays 2 types of information:

These results are described in the following sections.

Aggregated Media Information

This section provides a high-level status of the entity in the Media Selection filter. Each entity in this table can be double-clicked to view complete details about all media accounted for, such as the media's location, the status of each media, etc.

Detailed Media Information

If the Include Media Details option was selected in the Media Selection filter, this section will provide specific details about each media counted in the Aggregated Media Information section, including the media's bar code, library, location, etc.

The information presented in this section is cumulative, encompassing all media that satisfy the criteria established in the report filter.