STK Libraries Attached to ACSLS Server - How To

Topics | Configure | How To | Related Topics

Add Volume Ranges

Specify the CAP ID for Importing and Exporting Media

Move a Media using the Set Scratch option

Install ACSLS Client Service on Solaris

Display Cleaning Media in the CommCell Console

Automatically Detect Replaced Drives

Add Volume Ranges

The following procedure describes the steps for adding volume ranges.

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To add volume ranges in a library attached to ACSLS server:

  1. Display the Library and Drive Configuration window.
  2. Right-click the library in which you wish to add the volume ranges and then click Properties.
  3. From the Library Properties dialog box, enter the complete list of barcode ranges for volumes (tapes) in the library in the Volume Range box.
  4. Click OK to save the details.

Specify the CAP ID for Importing and Exporting Media

Use the following procedure to specify the CAP ID associated with the mail slot that will be used for importing and exporting media from the specific MediaAgent.

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To specify the CAP ID for importing and exporting media:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the library for which you wish to change the CAP selection, and then click Properties.
  2. Click the CAP Selection tab.
  3. Select the CAP ID that must be used for importing and exporting media.
  4. Click OK.

Move a Media using the Set Scratch option

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To move a media using the Set Scratch option in a library attached to ACSLS server:

  1. From the CommCell Console navigate to the Exported Media pool in the library in which the media resides.
  2. From the right-pane, right-click the media and click Set Scratch and then select the scratch pool to which you wish to move the media.
  3. Click OK to save the details.

Install ACSLS Client Service on Solaris

On a Solaris MediaAgent, the ACSLS Client Service must be installed before configuring the STK library attached to an ACSLS Server. You can install the ACSLS service when you install the Solaris MediaAgent. However, if you have already installed the Solaris MediaAgent and wish to configure a STK library controlled by an ACSLS server, you can use the Config ACSLS Services package to add the necessary services.

The following procedure describes the steps involved in installing the ACSLS Service using the Config ACSLS Services package.

  1. Log on to the MediaAgent computer as root.
  2. Run the following program:

    <software installation path>/Base/config_acsls

  3. The following menu is displayed if ACSLS services are not configured:

    Please select one of the options below:

    1) Config ACSLS Services

    2) Exit

    Your selection: [2]

    Type 1 and then press Enter.

  4. The following prompt is displayed:

    Please enter the name of the host running the ACSLS daemon. ACSLS Server host name:

    Enter the name of the host in which the ACSLS server is installed and then press Enter.


    If you are accessing the library using SN6000, enter the host name of SN6000 and then press Enter.

    The system copies the necessary files and creates the necessary configuration and displays the following message:

    ACSLS services are currently CONFIGURED.

  5. The menu is displayed.

    Enter the number corresponding to the Exit option to exit the package.

Use the Calypso list command to check if the SSI service is running on the Solaris computer. See Service Control for Unix for details.

Post-Install Considerations

Perform the following steps if the MediaAgent communicates with the ACSLS Server across a firewall:

  1. Make sure the Firewall Secure option is configured in ACSLS Server and get the CSI_INET_PORT number.
  2. Edit the ssi.env file in the Base directory and add the following script below the line for ACSAPI_SSI_SOCKET=40004 setting and replace the SSI_HOSTNAME and two port numbers, if the values are different:

    ## additional parameters for ACSLS client firewall setting

    # add Client side SSI_HOSTNAME - hardcoded now ; SSI_INET_PORT=30031 (default)


    SSI_INET_PORT=30031; export SSI_INET_PORT

    # add Server CSI_HOSTPORT=30031 (default) - must match CSI_INET_PORT setting on ACSLS Server


    # trun off UDP protocol CSI_UDP_RPCSERVICE="FALSE"; export CSI_UDP_RPCSERVICE

    ## End firewall setting

  3. Stop and start the services. (See Stop Services on Unix and Start Services on Unix for step-by-step instructions.)
  4. Verify communication between the MediaAgent and the ACSLS Server by running the ACSLSTool available in the Base directory.

Display Cleaning Media in the CommCell Console

  1. Display the Library and Drive Configuration window.
  2. Right-click the library in which you wish to add the volume ranges and then click Properties.
  3. From the Library Properties dialog box, select the List ACSLS Clean Media option.
  4. Click OK to save the details.
  5. Right click the library and then click Reset Library.

    Once the library is reset, media containing the characters CLN as the first three characters in its barcode will be displayed in the Media in Library pool in the CommCell Console.

Automatically Detect Replaced Drives

  1. Display the Library and Drive Configuration window.
  2. Right-click the library in which you wish to add the volume ranges and then click Properties.
  3. From the Library Properties dialog box, select the Use Drive ID for Drive Replacement option.
  4. Click OK to save the details.

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