Agents - Workstation Backup Agent

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  This feature/product/platform is deprecated in this release. See Deprecated Features, Products, and Platforms for more information.

Configurable Properties

Configurable Properties

Once Workstation Backup Agent is installed and configured, you can manage the data on the client computer. However, you can change certain aspects of the configuration to manage the data in the manner that best suits your needs.

Activity Control

Activity Control for Workstation Backup Agents includes controlling the backup, recovery, scheduling, and content management capabilities of the Workstation Backup clients. In addition, the following operational controls are also available from the CommCell Console:

By default the changes made to the activity control settings from the CommCell Console will be reflected on the clients after 24 hours.

Activity Control can be set at the following levels:

  1. CommCell Console - Allows you to enable/disable backup activity, content management, data recovery, and scheduling operations for all the Workstation Backup Agents in the CommCell. See Enable (or Disable) Operations for Workstation Backup Agents (CommCell Level) for instructions.
  2. Client (from CommCell Console) - Allows you to enable/disable backup activity, content management, data recovery, and scheduling operations for the individual client (when operations are enabled at the CommCell level.) See Enable (or Disable) Operations for Workstation Backup Agents (Client Level) for instructions.
  3. Client (from Client Console) - Allows you to enable/disable backup operations from the Client Console (when operations are enabled for this client, from the CommCell Console.) See Enable (or Disable) Backup Operations from the Client Console for instructions.

Operational Parameters (Throttling)

You can configure network bandwidth throttling options for Workstation Backup Agent Client computers.

Application Integration

Application data is automatically configured by discovering directories that should be backed up (logs, databases, etc.) to protect supported applications. See Configure Workstation Backup Agent to Backup Application Data for instructions to integrate supported applications.

For applications that use VSS writers, you can engage all VSS writers during the backup to capture the data in a consistent state. Use the Engage All VSS Writers option in the Manage Pairs dialog box.

Also, you can use the Quiesce Applications option in the Backup Replication Set dialog box to temporarily quiesce the source applications during backup. See Start a Full/Incremental Backup for instructions.

User Security

You can perform the following functions:

For more information, see User Administration and Security.


The Version tab displays the software version and post-release service packs and updates installed for the component. See Version for an overview.

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