Browse Data - ContinuousDataReplicator

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Replication Set

CDR Agent

Application iDataAgent



A browse operation allows you to view the Live Copy of replicated data on the destination computer, and to see the Recovery Points that have been created for the Replication Set(s) without actually recovering the data. The browse option can be invoked from the Client, CDR Agent, Replication Set, or application iDataAgent level; there are some differences in what you will see at each level, and this can be useful to narrow the search to a specific part of the data, or focus on what you want to do with the data you browse.

Replication Set

When you right-click a Replication Set, and select Browse Recovery Points from the All Tasks menu, the Recovery Points dialog is displayed. In this dialog, you can do the following:

CDR Agent

When you right-click a CDR Agent, and select Browse from the All Tasks menu, the Browse window is displayed. In this window, you can do the following:

Application iDataAgent

On a Client where the CDR Agent is replicating application data (Exchange, SQL, Oracle), when you right-click the application iDataAgent, and select Browse Backup Data from the All Tasks menu, the Browse Options dialog is displayed. After you select browse options, the Browse window is displayed. In this window, you can do the following:


When you right-click a Client with the CDR Agent installed, and select Browse & Recover from the All Tasks menu, the Browse Options dialog is displayed. After you select browse options, the Browse window is displayed. In this window, you can do the following:

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