Control the Browse Time Interval for Informix

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The browse operation provides you with the ability to Browse the Latest Data or Browse to Point-in-Time. The result of a browse operation is a list of objects (dbspaces) that existed within the specified time range.

The Browse the Latest Data option is selected by default. This option returns a list of objects that existed at any time and have a backup at the time the command is issued. You can browse to a point-in-time by specifying the date and time in the Browse To Point-in-Time box.

The list returned in the Browse window includes all objects that were backed up before the specified date and time.

A dbspace must have been backed up during the specified browse time span for it to be listed in a browse. If a dbspace was created and deleted, and if no backup was performed, it will not show up in the browse window.

The following figure shows how the search process is affected by the Browse To Point-In-Time option.

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