Command Line Interface - Error Codes

The following list contains the possible returned error codes and their descriptions.

Error Code Description
0x1 QSDK Server Internal Error
0x2 QSDK Server failed to submit request to CommServe
0x3 Unsupported command received by QSDK Server
0x4 Invalid request received by QSDK Server
0x5 Invalid Session Information received by QSDK Server
0x6 User logged out
0x7 QSDK Server encountered failure while preparing the CommServe request
0x8 QSDK Server encountered failure while sending the CommServe request
0x9 QSDK Server failed to find a connection to the CommServe, Relogin required
0xA Connection to the CommServe terminated, Relogin required
0xB CommServe failed to return Job ID
0xC CommServe failed to return data
0x101 Could not establish a connection with CommServe
0x102 QSDK Server encountered failure while receiving the CommServe's response
0x103 Invalid Login/Password
0x104 QSDK version not supported by CommServe
0x105 Login Retry count exceeded
0x106 No response from CommServe
0x107 Login Successful
0x108 Logout Successful
0x109 Another instance of the operation running
0x10A Connection to the CommServe terminated, Relogin required
0x10B User not logged in
0x10C Operation failed at CommServe
0x10D No response received from CommServe
0x10E Unsupported Application Type
0x10F Unsupported Backup options
0x110 Unsupported Restore options
0x111 Instance not specified
0x112 BackupSet not specified
0x113 Subclient not specified
0x114 QSDK Server not compatible with the CommServe
0x115 CommServe requires a new password for the user. Please use CommCell Console to renew the expired password.
0x116 Failed to restore DB
0x117 Failed to capture clients
0x118 Failed to merge clients
0x119 Failed to apply license
0x120 Failed to get CommServe time zone information
0X121 QSDK API Internal Error
0x126 Initializing Server connection failed due to invalid server name
0x127 Memory allocation failure in the QSDK Service
0x128 Failure while getting Encoded public key for CommServer
0x129 Failure while sending encrypted session key to CommServer
0X12A SSO Login failed
0X12B SSO Login is still in progress
0X12C SSO Login is complete
0X12D Too many alerts to list
0X12E QR_RESTORE_ONLY_IF_TARGET_EXISTS option is valid only for Version 8.0 and above
0X12F Overflow condition occurred
0X130 Invalid parameter Specified. Please check QSDK.log for more details
0X131 Failed to update JobManager information
0X132 JobManager failed to update job information
0X133 Invalid db name passed to qscript command
0X134 Unable to read Registry Entries.Check for the permissions
0X135 Encryption failed at QSDK
0X136 Error in execution of SQL script
0X137 Failed to unmount snapshots
0X138 Failed to mount snapshots
0X139 Token Invalid/Expired. Relogin Required
0X13A User does not have required capability for this CommCell and this operation
0X13B Qscript execution failed
0X13C The data encryption is currently disabled for the client [%S]
0X13D Failed to set Pass-Pharse.Set Direct Media Access option to \"Via Pass-Phrase\" or \"No Access\" and retry again.
0X13E Pass-Phrase is already exist for the client [%S]. Use -o \"modfiy\" to change it
0X13F Pass-Phrase not exist for the client
0X140 Couldn't update client [%S] encryption properties. **Reason**: Wrong combination of encryption parameters received: restoreAccess=\"passphrase\" and mediaAccess is already set to \"password\".\n
0X141 Couldn't update client [%S] encryption properties. **Reason**: Pass-Phrase should not be empty when direct media acess or restore access set to \"passphrase\". Retry again with -passphrase \"y\" option.\n
0X142 Couldn't update client [%S] encryption properties. **Reason**: Pass-Phrase should not be empty when restore access changes from passphrase to regular or mediaaccess changes from passphrase to password. Please supply the same pass-phrase that you used when you enabled pass-phrase protection for this client. We will use it to unlock the client's RSA keys. Retry again with -passphrase \"y\" option.\n";
0X143 Couldn't update client [%S] encryption properties. **Reason**: Pass-Phrase is already exist for the client. Use qoperation setpassphrase command to change it.\n
0X144 Failed to mount Volume.
0X145 Failed to unmount Volume(s)
0X146 Failed to fetch volume snap information. Please check QSDK log for more details
0x201 QSDK API Internal Error
0x202 Failed to connect to QSDK Server
0x203 HOME environment variable not set. Please export it and retry the command.
0x204 Failed to send request to QSDK Server
0x205 Failed to receive response from QSDK Server
0x206 No response received from QSDK Server
0x207 Invalid response received from QSDK Server
0x208 QSDKSession file corrupted, Relogin required
0x209 User not logged in
0x20A Failed to update QSDKSession file
0x20B Failed to delete QSDKSession file
0x20C Unable to determine QSDK Server name
0x20D Unable to determine VM name
0x20E CommServe name not specified
0X21F There is an active login to an another Commserver, please logout from that and then retry
0X23F Another user to the same commserver has already logged in, please logout from that and then retry
0X24F Failed to aquire exclusive access to the session file, please retry after a while
0X25F Failed to release lock on the session file
0X264 Single signon is supported only from Windows machines
0X265 Failed to generate SSO blob
0X268 Unable to Create or Open the Session file.Check for the Write permissions on the Session File
0X269 CS Name not found
0X270 Failed to read the session file
0X272 Insufficient Registry previlleges.Unable to open lock file /etc/CommVaultRegistry/.global.lock.Permission denied";
0X273 Writing to file failed
0x301 Unsupported option
0x302 Missing argument
0x303 Invalid argument
0x305 Invalid name length
0x306 Default backup set cannot be deleted
0x307 Cannot perform the operation on uninstalled client
0x308 Agent has been uninstalled, this operation is not allowed
0x309 On-demand Backupset creation is not supported for NetWare
0x30A Failed to open arguments file, %S, check option [%S]
0x30B Unable to open source paths file
0x30C Default Subclient cannot be deleted
0x30D Failed to read the answer file, %s, check option [%S]|[%s]
0x30E Failed to create answer file, %s, check option [%S]|[%s]
0x30F Specified storage policy is not an iDataAgent Backup storage policy
0x310 Invalid Password
0x311 User defined subclient cannot have / or \ as content
0x312 Specified storage policy is not a DataArchiver storage policy
0x313 User doesn't have rights to run CommCell Migration
0x314 Passwords did not match, please try again
0x315 Invalid Time format specified (dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm[:ss])
0x316 Specified time is an invalid calendar time
0x317 Invalid time range specified, To time is less than From time
0X319 Invalid Day Option
0X31A Invalid Hour Option
0X31B Invalid Destination File Path
0X31C Library is Disabled
0X31F Subclient is associated with a subclient policy"
0X320 Invaild Subclient content format for Exchange Database. \nFor exchange 2003 or 2007 Expected format: Microsoft Information Store\\StoreGroup. \nExpected format: Microsoft Information Store\\Database
0X321 Exchange Store name [%S] is invalid/already a part of another subclient
0X401 Invalid VolumeId. VolumeId should be an Integer
0X500 Failed to fetch dataagent information from the Commserver database
0X502 Failed to fetch instance information from the Commserver database
0X503 Failed to fetch backupset information from the Commserver database
0X504 Failed to fetch subclient information from the Commserver database
0X505 Failed to fetch job information from the Commserver database
0X506 Failed to fetch mediaagent information from the Commserver database
0X507 Failed to fetch storagepolicy information from the Commserver database
0X508 Failed to fetch user information from the Commserver database
0X509 Failed to decrypt user password
0X50A Failed to fetch snapshot information from the Commserver database
0X50B Failed to fetch qsdk session info from the Commserve database
0X50C Session info not for for the query
0X50D User Not logged in/Session expired
0X50E No Snapshots found
0X601 Failed to modify subclient properties
0X602 Failed to modify subclient content
0X603 Failed to modify subclient data storage policy
0X604 Failed to modify subclient index storage policy
0X605 Cannot modify subclient properties as there are active backup jobs associated with this subclient
0X606 Invalid subclient details specified
0X607 Failed to fetch subclient policy information for the subclient
0X608 Failed to modify subclient properties as it is associated with a subclient policy
0X609 Failed to modify subclient backup reference time
0X60A Failed to start a database transaction to modify subclient properties
0X60B Subclient modification is not supported through the commandline interface
0X60C Subclient modification is not supported for this dataagent
0X60D Invaild CommCell Name.Failed to Fetch CommCell Id from CommServe DataBase
0X701 Failed to fetch the last modifed timestamp of the backupset
0X702 Failed to modify subclient properties as they are locked by another application; retry the operation after some time
0X703 Failed to modify subclient content as the content of the subclients in the backupset would become inconsistent
0X704 Current status of the pair does not allow the attempted action
0X705 Failed to fetch Unconfigured SQL instances
0X706 Invalid SQL Instance Name
0X70A Replication operation failed
0X70B Check readiness is not supported for Client which has only MA Installed
0X902 Internal Error. Please refer to QSDK.log for more details
0X905 QSDK failed to replace the commandline parameters in the input blob.Please refer to QSDK.log for more details
0X906 Failed to create task.Please refer to QSDK.log and TaskManager.log for more details
0X907 Unknown Request Supplied
0X908 Invalid XML Input. Please check the input
0X909 The Schedule Policy is already associated to the given entity
0X90A Add/Removal of this entity is not supported since a higher entity is associated
0X90B Waiting Asynchronously for jobId/error to be returned by Jobmanager
0X90D Failed to discover Contents