

Intended Audience
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CommVault Internal  
CE/System Test  


  • CommServer (Database: CommServ)


  • 9.0.0


List report jobs for the given time range, report types and job status.


qoperation execscript -sn QS_ReportJobHistory [StartDate] [EndDate] [JobStatusSet] [ReportTypeSet] [OrderBy] [Output]


qoperation execscript -sn QS_ReportJobHistory -si @JobStatusSet = 'Failed' -si @ReportTypeSet = 'Job Schedule, Job Summary' -si @OrderBy = 'JobID'

qoperation execscript -sn QS_ReportJobHistory -si @StartDate = '2012-01-01' -si @EndDate = '2012-01-31' -si @OrderBy = 'Type' -si @Output = 'Summary'

Input Parameters: (optional)

-- StartDate/EndDate - Specify time range for start time of report jobs.

-- JobStatusSet - All, Completed, Failed, Killed, Active, Delayed. Default value is All.

-- ReportTypeSet - CommCell Configuration, CommCell Readiness, CommCell Growth, Event, GUI Audit Trail, License Summary,

-- User Capability, Discovery, Library and Drive, Data Retention Forecast and Complaince, Scratch Pool,

-- Storage Policy, Storage Information, Media Prediction, Job Schedule, Job Summary, Jobs In Storage Policy,

-- NAS NDMP Backup Archives, Archive Summary, Vault Tracking. Default value is All.

-- OrderBy - JobID, Type or Status. Default is descending order of JobID.

-- Output - Summary or/and Details. Default is 'Summary, Details'.


  • Disclaimer of Warranties

    CommVault provides software tools and utilities on an "as is" basis, as a courtesy and convenience to its users, and they may be changed from time to time without notice. These tools and utilities are provided without express, implied, or statutory warranties of any kind. You assume full risk and responsibility for the selection, possession, performance and proper installation and use of the software tools and utilities, and for verifying the results obtained there from. Your use of CommVault software tools and utilities indicates your unconditional acceptance of the above disclaimer.