CommCell Browser - How To

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Add, Delete or Edit Bookmarks

Select a Home Location

Add, Delete or Edit Bookmarks

To add a bookmark:

  1. From the CommCell Console, select Tools-> Control Panel.
  2. From the Control Panel, select Display.
  3. From the Bookmarks tab click Add and type a name for the new bookmark.
  4. Click OK. In the Add Bookmark dialog box, navigate to the location for the bookmark. The highlighted location is the bookmark location.
  5. Once you have selected a location, click OK. The name and the location of the bookmark appears in the Bookmarks tab.


Select a Home Location

To select a home location:

  1. From the CommCell Console, select Tools -> Control Panel.
  2. From the Control Panel, select Display.
  3. From the Home Location tab, select whether to go to your home location when you log on.
  4. Click the Browse button next to the Current Home Location field.
  5. In the Change Home Location dialog box, navigate to the location that you want as your current Home Location. The highlighted location is the selected Home Location. You can expand the tree by double-clicking on a tree level.

You can go to your Home Location any time by selecting Home from the Go menu or by clicking Home on the Navigation toolbar.

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