Data Classification - Setup

Deployment Setup Advanced Options

Once you have installed Data Classification Enabler, follow the steps given below to enable data classification scan:

  1. Add Volumes to the Monitored Volumes List
  2. Enable Data Classification Scan for a BackupSet

Add Volumes to the Monitored Volumes List

By default the Data Classification Enabler is installed in the MONITOR mode. In the this mode, the Data Classification scan is performed only for those volumes which are included in the monitored volumes list.

On a cluster setup, the shared volumes need to be added to the Monitored Volumes list on all the nodes manually. Otherwise, the passive node does not automatically start monitoring the shared volumes during a failover as they are not added to the Monitored Volumes list on it.

Follow the steps given below to add volumes to Monitored volumes list.

  1. Login to the client computer.
  2. Open the Command Prompt and navigate to following location:


  3. Enter the following command:

    DcClient -monitor <mount path>

    where: <mount path> is the volume that you want to add to the monitoring list.

    On a cluster setup:

Enable Data Classification Scan

After you have added all the required volumes in the monitored volumes list, enable the data classification scan for a backupset.

  • From the CommCell Console, navigate to <Client> | <Agent> | defaultBackupSet.
  • Right-click the defaultBackupSet and select Properties.
  • Click Use Data Classification.
  • Click OK to enable the data classification for all the subclients in the backupset.
3. The data classification scan is performed when you run a backup for any subclient in the backupset.
  If a subclient contains a volume that is not added to the monitored volumes list, the Classic File scan is performed for that volume.

If you want to further explore this Agent's features read the Advanced sections of this documentation.