Index Cache Server

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Table of contents

Related Topics


Using Index Cache Server for Job Restarts in Failover Scenarios

Moving an Index Cache Server

Setting Retention Rules for the Index Cache Server

Changing a Network Share to Index Cache Server After an Upgrade

Deleting an Index Cache Server Profile

Related Reports

Index Cache

Provides comprehensive information on Index Cache operations.


Provides comprehensive information on index.


The following sections describes the additional options available to manage the Index Cache server.

Using Index Cache Server for Job Restarts in Failover Scenarios

Index Cache Server with transaction logging provides the facility to automatically continue data protection operations when there are job failures due to loss of connectivity to the index, in the following situations:

When the Index Cache Server is used with transaction logging feature, the transaction log of the job is relayed to the Index Cache Server. So if a job has to be restarted in a failover scenario, the transaction logs are downloaded from the Index Cache Server to the local MediaAgent and replayed. This enables the job to be restarted from the point of failure.

To enable this feature, in the Advanced Backup Options dialog Data tab, select Use shared profile if present with transaction logging.

This option is recommended on clustered MediaAgents (MediaAgents installed in a cluster group) so that the data protection jobs on the MediaAgent can continue when there is a cluster failover. This feature is supported by all index-based agents. See Advanced Backup/Archive Options Support for a list of Agents that support this feature.

Moving An Index Cache Server

A Index Cache Server cannot be moved. If you wish to relocate the Index Cache Server from one MediaAgent to another, you will have to create another Index Cache Server profile and re-point the MediaAgents to the new Index Cache Server. The new cache entries would be directed to the new Index Cache Server, but the old entries will not be moved.

When using a Index Cache Server, you will also have a local index cache. Note that the local index cache can be moved.

Setting Retention Rules for the Index Cache Server

Retention rules for Index Cache Server index cache entries are defined in the Index Cache Server profile. Use the following steps to to change the retention settings.

The retention for the local index cache must be set on the corresponding MediaAgents.

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the CommServe, click Control Panel, and select Shared Catalog Configuration.

    Alternatively, from the CommCell Browser, right-click the MediaAgent, and click Configure.

  2. From the Shared Catalog Configuration dialog box, select the profile you wish to edit and click Edit.

    The Catalog Profiles Properties dialog box is displayed.

  3. You can change the following retention parameters:
  4. Click OK to save the configuration.

Changing a Network Share to Index Cache Server After an Upgrade

When you upgrade the software from a previous version to the current version, you can choose to use the Index Cache Server instead of the Network Share for sharing the Index Cache.

Consider a scenario where two MediaAgents (MA1 and MA2) are using the Network Share to share their index cache. Now, after you upgrade both the MediaAgents, do the following:

  1. Move the Index Cache of MA1 from Network Share to local cache folder.
  2. Configure Index Cache Server on MA1.
  3. Create the following folder structure on MA1:


    The folder structure would be created automatically if any job was executed on the MediaAgent after configuring the Index Cache Server.

  4. Copy all the local index cache to CatalogServer folder.
  5. Move the Index Cache of MA2 from Network Share to local cache folder.
  6. Enable Index Cache Sharing on MA2. Make sure to point to Index Cache Server on MA1.
    It is recommended to not configure Index Cache Server to a UNC path.
  7. Copy the contents from <indexcache_path>\CV_Index\2 of MA2 to <indexcache_path>\CatalogServer\CV_Index\2 on MA1.

Deleting an Index Cache Server Profile

You can delete a Index Cache Server if it is not required anymore. Ensure the following before deleting a Index Cache Server. changing

Related Reports

The CommCell Configuration Report provides the following information regarding Index Cache Server configuration in the CommCell.

See CommCell Configuration Report for information on how to generate the report.

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