Media Operations - Troubleshoot

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Media is marked as Expired

Cannot find a media

Media Marked as Appendable is not Re-used

Cleaning Media is Not Recognized

Media is marked as Expired

When a media exceeds the Media Expiration Thresholds the condition of the media is marked as Expired and the media is moved to Expired Media pool.

Cannot find a media

Cause: The media may be exported or may have been moved to the Retired Media pool. In some situations, it may also be difficult to scan the media list, especially in libraries that have the capacity to store a large number of media.

Solution: Use the find media feature as described in Find a Media to search for a specific media.

Media Marked as Appendable is not Re-used

Solution:  Check the Use Appendable Media within n Day (s) of its last write time option in the Library Properties (Media) tab to see if it is enabled. Also verify the number of days established for the option.

In addition note that the Appendable media is NOT selected for reuse only under the following conditions:

Cleaning Media is Not Recognized

Cause: The cleaning media may have expired.

This may happen when the expired cleaning media is loaded in the drive by a data protection operation or a drive cleaning operation. In this situation you may see an error similar to the following:

The SCSI device reported that the source or target medium is not present. Please check to see if the Library Arm Changer and Drive is functioning correctly.

Solution: The unload operation may also fail. Hence physically remove the media from the drive. Use a new cleaning media to clean the drive. Make sure that the cleaning media is imported into the cleaning media pool.