Recover Multiple Files from Windows Explorer

Before You Begin

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To recover multiple files from Windows Explorer:

  1. Log on to the client computer from which the files were archived, or a computer that has a mapped network drive to the volume where the stubs reside.
  2. Locate the file stubs in Windows Explorer, then use Ctrl + click to select the stubs to be recovered.
  3. Press Enter (or select Open from the File pull-down menu or right-click menu) to begin the recovery operation.

    If the pop-up confirmation message feature has been enabled, a window will display the location of the latest file that was submitted for recovery. Once the recovery operation has completed, the pop-up will close automatically. For remote recoveries using File Archiver for Windows, the number of pop-ups on the remote workstation will be equal to the number of stub recoveries submitted and each will indicate that the recovery operation has completed. Click OK to close each window.