Media Management Summary Report

About Example

Table of Contents

About this Report

When to use this Report

What this Report Contains

How to Generate the Report

Scheduling and Saving a Report

Customizations That You Can Perform With This Report

About this Report

The Media Management Summary report displays detailed status information for all the MediaAgents, physical devices and device controllers in a CommCell.

When to use this Report

Use this report to review the condition of each MediaAgent, physical device and device controller in a CommCell, such as whether or not a MediaAgent is active, operational or if a failure has occurred. This report provides all the necessary details to perform troubleshooting tasks.

What this Report Contains

This report generates the following sub-reports:

Sub-Report Sections Description
Physical Devices <Pie Charts> The pie charts display the total number (and percentage) of MediaAgents and physical libraries/drives that are operational and not operational in the selected CommCell.
MediaAgents The table displays the following information for all the MediaAgents in the selected CommCell:
  • MediaAgent status (and failure reason if not operational).
  • Operating system where the MediaAgent is installed.
  • Amount of data written in the last week.
  • Software revision
Libraries The Tape Libraries table displays the following information for all the tape libraries in the selected CommCell:
  • Library name, model, manufacturer, serial number, and firmware revision.
  • Library status (and failure reason if not operational).
  • Number of drives and slots residing in the library.
  • Amount of data written to the library in the last week.
  • Scratch pools below watermark.
  • Available capacity
The Disk Libraries table displays the following information for all the disk libraries in the selected CommCell:
  • Library status (and failure reason if not operational)
  • Amount of data written to the library in the last week.
  • Low watermark threshold
  • Available capacity (total free space on all the mount paths for the library)
Drives/MountPaths The Drives table displays the following information for all the drives in the selected CommCell:
  • Name of the library where the drive physically resides.
  • Drive name, model, type, manufacturer, serial number, and firmware revision.
  • Drive status (and failure reason if not operational).
  • Cost category
  • Manufacturer rated throughput in GB/hour.
The MountPaths table displays the following information for all the mountpaths in the selected CommCell:
  • Name of associated library
  • Mountpath status (and failure reason if not operational)
  • Cost category
Device Controllers <Pie Charts> The pie charts display the total number (and percentage) of MediaAgents, library controllers and logical drives that are operational and not operational in the selected CommCell.
MediaAgents The table displays the following information for all the MediaAgents in the selected CommCell:
  • MediaAgent status (and failure reason if not operational).
  • Operating system where the MediaAgent is installed.
  • Amount of data written in the last week.
  • Software revision
Library Controllers The table displays the following information for all the library controllers in the selected CommCell:
  • Library name, model, manufacturer, serial number, and firmware revision.
  • Library status (and failure reason if not operational).
  • Active status and user enabled status
  • Associated MediaAgent and SCISI address.
  • Number of drives and slots residing in the library.
  • Amount of data written to the library in the last week.
  • Scratch pools below watermark.
  • Available capacity
  • Total spare media as well as availability of spare media
Drive Controllers The table displays the following information for all the drive controllers in the selected CommCell:
  • Name of the associated MediaAgent, library and drive.
  • Drive status (and failure reason if not operational).
  • Active status, user enabled status and OS accessibility status.
  • SCISI address.
  • Number of drives and slots residing in the library.
  • Cost category
  • Manufacturer rated throughput in GB/hour.

How to Generate the Report

  • From the CommNet Browser, click Reports.
  • Under Media Management Reports, click Summary Report.
  • Under Status Selection, select the device type.
  • Under CommCell Selection, add the CommCells you want to include in this report.
  • Click Generate.

Scheduling and Saving a Report

After a report is generated, you can schedule a new report and save it to an specific location as a PDF, excel spreadsheet or MHTML file. Scheduling and saving reports will help you analyze and compare data from your CommCells.

Follow the steps below to create a schedule:

  • Click Schedule from the top of the report window.
  • Type the name of the schedule and enter a description.
  • Click Next.
  • Select the appropriate schedule options. For example:
    • Select the time zone.
    • Select the start date and the frequency to generate the report.
    • Change the Start Time to 9:00 PM
    • Click Repeat Task and configure at which interval the schedule should be repeated.
  • Click Next.
  • Select the file format.
  • Click Save To File to save the report to a local drive or network share.

    Specify the Destination Path for the output file.

  • You can also click Send E-Mail to User(s) and/or User Groups(s) to send the report as an email attachment to a user or user group.
  • Click Finish.

The report will be generated as specified in the schedule task.

Customizations That You Can Perform With This Report

You can further customize the report by using the filters available in the report. To access the filter options, click Filters at the top of the report window as shown in the image. After making your selections, click Generate to update the report.  

The following table describes the available filter options.

Filter Description
Status Selection By default, the report is based on physical devices. You can choose to generate the report based on Device Controllers.
CommCell Selection You can refine your selection by adding or removing CommCells from the Selected pane.
Column Selection By default, all columns are selected to be displayed in the report. You can exclude unwanted columns from the Selected pane using the Remove button.

You can also exclude the pie chart from the report by clearing the Include Pie Chart option.