Primary Storage Data Growth Report

About Example

Table of Contents

About this Report

When to use this Report

What this Report Contains

How to Generate the Report

Scheduling and Saving a Report

Customizations That You Can Perform With This Report

About this Report

The Primary Storage Data Growth report displays the space used by the data from all SRM jobs and the future space usage for a CommCell or its components, such as clients and agents.

The predicted data growth values are interpolated from the actual data growth values using a specified period of time. For example, if you specify seven days, the data growth predictor will use the growth pattern from the last seven days to predict the future data growth.

When to use this Report

Use this report to identify large increases and decreases in data growth across all your CommCells containing SRM components. This report can be useful in the following scenarios:

What this Report Contains

This report can be generated for the following entities: (each of them considered an independent sub-report)

The above sub-reports display the data in the following sections:

Sections Description
<Entity> vs Space Used Chart The chart displays the total space used (in GB) by the selected entity over a specific period of time.

For example, if the selected entity is Clients, then the chart will show how much space each client used on a specific date for each of the selected CommCells.

  If this report is generated for an Exchange component that contains a subclient with public folder data content, the data size will be rounded to the nearest tenth.
<Entity> vs Space Used Table The table provides the same information as in the chart.

How to Generate the Report

  • From the CommNet Browser, click Reports.
  • Under Primary Storage Reports, click Data Growth Report.
  • Under Entity Selection, select the report you want to generate from the Plot on drop-down list.
  • Based on the entity selected, expand the CommCells node and select the entities to be included in this report.
  • Click Generate.

Scheduling and Saving a Report

After a report is generated, you can schedule a new report and save it to an specific location as a PDF, excel spreadsheet or MHTML file. Scheduling and saving reports will help you analyze and compare data from your CommCells.

Follow the steps below to create a schedule:

  • Click Schedule from the top of the report window.
  • Type the name of the schedule and enter a description.
  • Click Next.
  • Select the appropriate schedule options. For example:
    • Select the time zone.
    • Select the start date and the frequency to generate the report.
    • Change the Start Time to 9:00 PM
    • Click Repeat Task and configure at which interval the schedule should be repeated.
  • Click Next.
  • Select the file format.
  • Click Save To File to save the report to a local drive or network share.

    Specify the Destination Path for the output file.

  • You can also click Send E-Mail to User(s) and/or User Groups(s) to send the report as an email attachment to a user or user group.
  • Click Finish.

The report will be generated as specified in the schedule task.

Customizations That You Can Perform With This Report

You can further customize the report by using the filters available in the report. To access the filter options, click Filters at the top of the report window as shown in the image. After making your selections, click Generate to update the report.  

The following table describes the available filter options.

Filter Description
Time Range Selection You can adjust the reporting period by selecting the Frequency drop-down list. Based on the selected frequency, you can also:
  • Specify the number of days/weeks/months/years.
  • Exclude the most current data by clearing the Include current period checkbox.
  • Predict the future data growth using the growth pattern from the last day/week/month/year.
  • Display the space used between a specified time.
Chart Options By default, the chart displays stacking bars with gridlines. You can change the chart display from the Chart Type drop-down list.
Entity Selection You can update your entity selection from the Plot on drop-down list.

Based on the selected entity, expand the CommCells and/or Cell-Client Groups nodes to select one or multiple entities.