

Intended Audience
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CommVault Internal  
CE/System Test  


  • 7.0.0


Utility drivedumptool is designed to be called directly from Galaxy services when a drivedump is available. Drivedump is generated by certain types of drives such as IBM ULTRIUM (types 1, 2 and 3) when certain errors occur.

Although designed to be called from Galaxy, this tool may be invoked directly to obtain a drive dump even when a drive dump is not present. In this case, the drive is forced to generate a drive dump.

Follows these steps:

  1. Copy drivedumptool to the Unix MediaAgent system's Base folder.
  2. Make sure that the MediaAgent system contains the dependent updates that are required to support this tool.


drivedumptool mandates the following options:

-a <accesspath>

where accesspath is of the form (e.g.,  drive connected adapter fscsi0, target 68835 and lun 1 can be addressed as scsidev@fscsi0:0.68835.1.

-j <jobid>

When called manually, set jobid to an arbitrary value that is greater than 0

In addition, drivedumptool takes an optional argument -f, which forces a drive dump when one is not present


This tool does not print any messages to the screen. All logging goes to the log file drivedumptool.log in the galaxy logs directory. If this tool is run manually, please make sure that the log file drivedumptool.log is checked for any errors.



logs usages of this tool

drivedumptool -a -j 1

obtains drive dump from the specified device if present

drivedumptool -f -a -j 1

forces a drive dump even if not present


Revision Date Description
Revision 1 January 1, 2007 Initial revision.

Disclaimer of Warranties

CommVault provides software tools and utilities on an "as is" basis, as a courtesy and convenience to its users, and they may be changed from time to time without notice. These tools and utilities are provided without express, implied, or statutory warranties of any kind. You assume full risk and responsibility for the selection, possession, performance and proper installation and use of the software tools and utilities, and for verifying the results obtained there from. Your use of CommVault software tools and utilities indicates your unconditional acceptance of the above disclaimer