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CommVault Internal  
CE/System Test  


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TestPort is a server-client TCP/IP utility to perform TCP/IP connectivity tests and to measure line throughput.


  1. Copy TestPort.exe to Base folder on the server machine.
  2. Copy TestPort.exe to Base folder on the client machine.
  3. Open a Command Prompt on the server machine and issue TestPort.exe -server plus the required parameters.
  4. Open a Command Prompt on the client machine and issue TestPort.exe -client plus the required parameters.
  5. On both sides, check to see if the programs execute to "!! Finished !!" without any errors.
  6. Press ESC on the server machine to exit or any other key to run another client side test without running TestPort again on the server side.


To get help screens:

Server: TestPort /?
       TestPort -help
       TestPort -client -help
       TestPort -server -help

To test connectivity:

Server: TestPort -server -UseIPv4
Client:  TestPort -client -srvname <name> -srvport <srvport>

<name> and <srvport> are outputed by the server side program after it is executed.

To test connectivity across firewall ports (use the ports which are allocated or opened to communicate across the firewall for binding):

Server: TestPort -server -UseIPv4 -bindport 1234
Client:  TestPort -client -srvname <name> -srvport 1234 -bindname cliinter1 -bindport 5432

Server binds to port 1234 and client binds to port 5432.

Server: TestPort -server -UseIPv4 -bindport 1234 -Initdelay 10000
Client:  TestPort -client -srvip <ip addr> -srvport 1234 -bindname cliinter1 -bindport 5432 -Initdelay 10000

Initial handshaking packets after connect/accept will be sent after 10000 msecs (10secs).

To test connectivity with multi-NICs:

Server: TestPort -server -bindname interface1 -bindport 1234
Client:  TestPort -client -srvname interface1 -srvport 1234 -bindname cliinter1 -bindport 5432


  • If -bindport is not given, any port will be assumed. If -bindname is not given, the first IP address will be assumed.

To test network performance from server to client:

Server: TestPort -server -UseIPv4 -buffers 10000
Client:  TestPort -client -srvname <name> -srvport <port>

To test network performance from client to server for buffer size 16K:

Server: TestPort -server -UseIPv4
Client:  TestPort -client -srvname <name> -srvport <port> -buffers 10000

To test network performance from client to server for buffer size other than 16K:

Server: TestPort -server -UseIPv4
Client:  TestPort -client -srvname <name> -srvport <port> -buffers 10000 -MinBufferSize 32767

To test network performance from client to server within a given range (e.g., 20000 and 65535):

Server: TestPort -server -UseIPv4
Client:  TestPort -client -srvname <name> -srvport <port> -buffers 10000 -MinBufferSize 20000 -MaxBufferSize 65535


  • If the -buffers parameter is given for both the server and the client, server-to-client performance is measured first.


Revision Date Description
Revision 1 January 1, 2007 Initial revision.

Disclaimer of Warranties

CommVault provides software tools and utilities on an "as is" basis, as a courtesy and convenience to its users, and they may be changed from time to time without notice. These tools and utilities are provided without express, implied, or statutory warranties of any kind. You assume full risk and responsibility for the selection, possession, performance and proper installation and use of the software tools and utilities, and for verifying the results obtained there from. Your use of CommVault software tools and utilities indicates your unconditional acceptance of the above disclaimer.