Restore Data - MySQL - How To

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Restore Data to a Point in Time

Recover Data with the Database Online

Recover Logs with the Database Online

Recover Logs with the Database Offline

Recurring Restores of Logs

Cross-Platform Restores from CommCell Console

Restore Data to a Point in Time

Before You Begin:

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To restore to a point in time:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the instance, click All Tasks, and click Restore Server.
  2. From the Restore Options (General) dialog box, select Point in Time and select a Restore Time and Time Zone.
  3. Continue your restore.

Recover Data and Bring the Database Online

Before You Begin:

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To recover data and bring the database online:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the instance, click All Tasks, and click Restore Server.
  2. From the Restore (Options) dialog box, click Recover.
  3. Continue with your restore.

Recover Logs with the Database Online

Before You Begin:

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To recover data and logs with the database online:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the instance, click All Tasks, and click Restore Server.
  2. From the MySQL Restore (General) dialog box, select Recover. The database will be online for recovery. When you select Recover option, the logs will be applied to the server.
  3. Enter the path or click Browse to specify the destination folder path.
  4. Continue with your restore.

Recover Logs with the Database Offline

Before You Begin:

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To recover data and logs with the database offline:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the instance, click All Tasks, and click Restore Server.
  2. From the MySQL Restore (General) dialog box, select Do Not Recover. The database will be offline for recovery. When you select Do Not Recover option, you need to specify the path of the Destination Folder to store the logs without applying to the server.
  3. Enter the path or click Browse to specify the destination folder path.
  4. Continue with your restore.

Recurring Restores of Logs

Before You Begin:

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To recover data and bring the database online:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the instance, click All Tasks, and click Restore Server.
  2. From the MySQL Restore (General) dialog box, select Recurring Restore and then select Recover option for replicating online data from one server to another server.
  3. From the MySQL Restore (General) dialog box, select Recurring Restore and then select Do Not Recover option for replicating offline data from one server to another server. Enter the path or click Browse to specify the destination folder path.
  4. Continue with your restore.
The Recurring Restore option is applicable only to Log Restore. Make sure to execute a data restore operation prior to performing a recurring log restore.

Cross-Platform Restores from CommCell Console

Perform the following step-by-step procedure to restore the data across same/different versions or platforms from CommCell Console:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the MySQL server instance on the source client.
  2. Select All Tasks and click Restore MySQL Server.
  3. Select the name of the client computer with the database you want to restore in the Destination Server from the list.
  4. Verify that the Status of the database is displayed as On-Line; if necessary click on the Refresh button to refresh the status.
  5. Select the following options to restore and recover the database. Click Browse and select the staging location.
    • Data
    • Logs
    • Recover
  6. Click OK.

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