Removable Disk Drives - How To

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Format Removable Disk cartridge in FAT32

To format a removable disk cartridge in FAT32, on Linux platform:

  1. Attach the drive to a Linux box and run fdisk -l. Verify that OS can see the device path. If the device is visible, you will be able to see the device path (for example, like /dev/sdb).
  2. Run the fdisk command (for example, fdisk /dev/sdb) to get the list of option available on the device. Press 'm' to get the list. Press 'p' to see the partition table of the device.
  3. If there is no partition present in the device go to Step 5.
  4. If partitions are present, delete the partition by pressing ‘d’. Press ‘p and verify that partition got deleted.
  5. Press 'n' to add new partition. Press p to select primary partition. Enter partition number, first cylinder and Last cylinder. You can keep the default values (specified in bracket) for these fields.
  6. Press 'p' to print the partition table and verify that partition got created. By default Linux partition gets created as indicated by system column when you print the partition table.
  7. Select FAT32 to change the Linux partition to FAT32. Press ‘l to see the list of hex codes corresponding to partition system id. Press ‘c’ to select WIN95 FAT32 (LBA).

    Press ‘p’ to see the partition table and verify that the system type and system id has been changed to reflect FAT32

  8. Press ‘w’ to write partition table to disk and exit.
  9. Run fdisk –l and verify that a partition (for example, /dev/sdb1) has been created.
  10. Run the mkfs command (for example, mkfs –t vfat /dev/sdb1) to make the FAT32 file system.