Subclients Example - NDS

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The following figure shows two NDS client computers that are part of a Wide Area Network (WAN). Edinburgh contains a replica of the root partition while Cardiff contains a replica of Partition 1.

In this configuration, you can schedule the backups of Edinburgh’s default subclient and subclient 1 either at different times or simultaneously. Splitting the backups into two time periods can be useful if you need to stage the backups of a large client around a particularly busy time of network or client utilization.

NDS subclients can also be used to exclude replicated partitions from multiple backups. The preceding diagram illustrates this purpose. Edinburgh holds a replica of the root partition. Unless additional subclients are defined for Edinburgh, the default subclient backs up all additional partitions. Since Edinburgh does not hold a replica of Partition 1, Edinburgh’s backups of Partition 1 occur over the WAN link. To maximize efficiency, we have created an additional subclient for Edinburgh, and included Partition 1, thus excluding it from the default subclient. We can then exclude Edinburgh Subclient 1 from backups entirely, as Cardiff’s backups secure Partition 1.