Installation - Laptop User

Installation Monitor Restore

Use the following procedure to install on your Linux laptop using the custom package provided by your administrator:

1. Locate the UnixCustomPackage.tar file provided by administrator.  
2. Extract the files of UnixCustomPackage.tar using following command:

tar -xvf <tarfile>

3. Navigate to the extracted UnixCustomPackage/pkg location. Example:


4. Run ./silent_install -p default Example:

<client_computer>/opt/UnixCustomPackage# ./silent_install -p default

5. The installation is now complete. Performing non-interactive Install of the following modules...

* Base Client [1002] [CVGxBase]

* Base0 Client [1003] [CVGxBase0]

* UNIX File System iDataAgent [1101] [CVGxIDA]

Install of the above modules completed successfully.