Getting Started Restore - Macintosh File System iDataAgent

As restoring your backup data is very crucial, it is recommended that you perform a restore operation immediately after your first full backup to understand the process. The following section explains how to restore the etc folder to a new location.

  • From the CommCell Browser, navigate to Client Computers| <Client> | File System | defaultBackupSet
  • Right-click the default subclient and then click Browse Backup Data.
2. Click OK.
  • Expand the defaultBackupSet and navigate to etc folder.
  • Select the etc folder.
  • Click Recover All Selected.
  • Clear the Overwrite Files and Restore to same folder options.
  • Specify the destination path by clicking Browse button.

    This will ensure that the existing files are not overwritten.

  • Click OK.
  • Click the Job Initiation tab.
  • Select Immediate to run the job immediately.
  • Click OK.
6. You can monitor the progress of the restore job in the Job Controller window of the CommCell Console.
7. Once the restore job has completed, right-click the defaultBackupSet , point to View and then click Restore History.
8. Click OK.
9. You can view the following details about the job by right-clicking the job:
  • View Restore Items

    You can view them as Successful, Failed, Skipped or All.

  • View Job Details
  • View Events of the restore job.
  • View Log files of the restore job
10. Once the File System is restored, verify that the restored files/folders are available in the restore destination provided during step 4. [parc02] # ls /.metacity


Congratulations -  You have successfully completed your first backup and restore.

If you want to further explore this Agent's features read the Advanced sections of this documentation.