Getting Started - Microsoft Hyper-V Restore

Perform a Restore

It is recommended that you perform a restore operation immediately after your first full backup to understand the process.

The following section comprehends the steps involved in restoring a Virtual Machine.

  • From the CommCell Console, navigate to <Client> | Virtual Server.
  • Right-click the backup set that contains the data you want to restore and click All Tasks | Browse Backup Data.
2. Click OK.


  • Select the virtual machine under the backup set. Its entire contents will be automatically selected in the right pane.
  • Click Recover All Selected.
  • Click Browse to locate the desired Destination Path in the currently selected Destination Client.
  • Enter the VM Name for the virtual machine.

    Ensure that you provide a fully qualified name for the virtual machine. Entering an IP address will cause the restore operation to fail.

  • Click the Job Initiation tab.
  • Select Immediate to run the job immediately.
  • Click OK.
6. You can monitor the progress of the restore job in the Job Controller or Event Viewer window of the CommCell Console.
7. Once the restore job has completed, right-click the entity (e.g. agent, instance) and click View | Restore History.

If the entity chosen is the client computer, click View | Job History.

8. Click OK.
9. You can view the following details about the job by right-clicking the job:
  • View Restore Items

    You can view them as Successful, Failed, Skipped or All.

  • View Job Details
  • View Events of the restore job.
  • View Log files of the restore job.
10. Once the virtual machine is restored, it is automatically mounted to the Hyper-V Server of the specified client computer.

Congratulations -  You have successfully completed your first backup and restore.

If you want to further explore this Agent's features read the Advanced sections of this documentation.