Script to enable system state on all default subclietns across the commserve. This script can take client name and backup set name as input.(Both are optional.) If both are given the default subclient under system state backup is enabled on the given client and backupset and disabled on all its peer subclients. If only the client name is given then the same is done on all active backupsets under the client. When 'allclients' is used the system state is enabled all default subclients across the CS. Usage: qoperation execscript -sn EnableSystemState -si -si backupsetname Example: 1) EnableSystemState on the default subclient in client FS and backupset defaultBackupset: qoperation execscript -sn EnableSystemState -si c=FS -si defaultBackupset 2) EnableSystemState on the default subclient of all backupsets in client FS: qoperation execscript -sn EnableSystemState -si c=FS 3) EnableSystemState on all default subclients in the CS qoperation execscript -sn EnableSystemState -si allclients