Qscript to Set Pre/Post Process Batch files and modify user account info user name and password. password is accpted in encrypted format. there is no validation for encrypted password. prefix used: PreScan= To give PreScan batch file PostScan= to give PostScan batch file PreBackup= To give preBackup batch file PostBackup= To give postBackup batch file subclientId scriptsPaths are mandatory feilds isLocalAccout,UserName and Password are optional feild if isLocalAccount is Yes or not given. LocalAccount is assumed if info is not there in db if isLocalAccount is NO, UserName and Password is required. USAGE: qoperation execscript -sn GetClients_Info.sql -si subclientid -si ScriptsPaths -si isLocalAccount -si username -si encryptedpassword Example Add All scripts: qoperation execscript -sn SetSubClientPrePostProcess.sql -si 15 -si PreScan=E:\Batch\PreScan.bat,PostScan=E:\Batch\PostScan.bat,PreBackup=E:\Batch\PreBackup.bat,PostBackup=E:\Batch\PostBackup.bat -si YES Add Single Script qoperation execscript -sn SetSubClientPrePostProcess.sql -si 15 -si PostBackup=E:\Batch\PostBackup.bat -si NO -si username -si encryptedPassword Add Two Scripts qoperation execscript -sn SetSubClientPrePostProcess.sql -si 15 -si PostBackup=E:\Batch\PostBackup.bat,PreBackup=E:\Batch\PreBackup.bat -si NO -si username -si encryptedPassword