List of available fixes.
Short Name Effective Date Title Description
index.htm-new 2011/10/27 07:45:00 GMT+1 B-Multilingual document Intel Software Product for Windows
index.html 2006/01/25 18:55:00 GMT+1 B-Multilingual document Intel® Compilers for Itanium®-based applications Support
pkg 2018/03/27 17:15:00 GMT+1 Collection Firmware packages for BullSequana X400 Firmware available for the BullSequana X400-A5, X400-A6, X400-E5 and X400-E7 series
sw 2007/04/22 11:00:00 GMT+1 Collection Firmware List of available firmware (Deprecated)
fbios 2007/04/22 11:00:00 GMT+1 Collection BIOS List of available bios (Deprecated)
index.html 2007/04/22 11:00:00 GMT+1 B-Multilingual document BullSequana X400 Eviden BullSequana X400 Product Family
bullx 2018/01/11 17:45:00 GMT+1 B-Multilingual document Extreme Computing bullx servers Optimal performance at the optimized cost of standard servers Bull's Extreme Computing solutions for HPC are built using a large choice of servers, based on l...
pkg 2018/03/27 17:15:00 GMT+1 Collection BIOS and different firmwares for X400 Firmware available for X400
pkgx400e5 2018/03/27 17:15:00 GMT+1 Collection Firmware packages for BullSequana X400-E5 Firmware available for the BullSequana X400-E5 series
docf 2007/04/22 10:00:00 GMT+1 Folder Publish user documentation Contains sub-folders designated to publish according to access rights.
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