List of available fixes.
Short Name Effective Date Title Description
g 2006/02/06 17:59:33 GMT+1 Folder Free Visibility free access
trglobull 2019/03/14 10:39:03 GMT+1 Folder Trusway Globull
ml-globull-cli 2012/07/24 15:31:43 GMT+1 Bull MailingTool Mailing liste globull - Client
last-pub 2009/04/01 08:10:00 GMT+1 Collection Last publication
doc-globull-save 2009/04/01 08:10:00 GMT+1 B-Doc Documents Globull- A garder pour prochaine diffusion Fiche de réparation Globull = GFR - Certifcat de destruction Globul = CdD
globull-fiche-de-reparation.pdf 2009/04/01 08:10:00 GMT+1 File Attach globull fiche de réparation.pdf
globull-certificat-de-destruction.pdf 2009/04/01 08:10:00 GMT+1 File Attach globull Certificat de destruction.pdf
globull-destruction-certificate.pdf 2009/04/01 08:10:00 GMT+1 File Attach globull-Destruction-Certificate.pdf
globull-reparing-form.pdf 2009/04/01 08:10:00 GMT+1 File Attach globull Reparing Form.pdf
doc-globull 2009/04/01 08:10:00 GMT+1 B-Doc Documents Globull Fiche de réparation Globull = GFR - Certifcat de destruction Globul = CdD
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